The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a call for expression of interest for membership to its Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG), as the mandate for the majority of its members will expire on 14 October 2018. The call for expression of interest is open to candidates representing stakeholders across the European Union. The deadline for application is 7 June 2018.
Application process
The call for expressions of interest for membership to the BSG is open to candidates representing stakeholders across the European Union. The deadline for application is 7 June 2018. The relevant documents for the application can be found at
The application should be accompanied by a CV, preferably in Europass format. Candidates are also invited to provide a letter of motivation clearly stating the reasons for the application as well as main expectations as to the candidate’s future contribution to the work of the BSG.
Selection process
Details on the selection process can be found in the selection procedure document (go to
The final decision on the composition of the BSG will be taken by the EBA’s Board of Supervisors by mid-September 2018. Applicants shall be informed accordingly by the end of September 2018 and the composition of the renewed BSG will be made available on the EBA’s website. The first BSG meeting in the new composition is due to be held in December 2018.
Background information
The BSG is set up, according to Article 37 of the EBA Founding Regulation, to help facilitate dialogue and consultation with stakeholders on the work of the EBA.
It is composed of 30 members, representing in balanced proportions credit and investment institutions operating in the Union, their employees’ representatives, as well as representatives of users of banking services, consumers and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Moreover, at least five members shall be independent top-ranking academics while ten members shall represent financial institutions, three of whom from cooperative and saving banks. The EBA also ensures a balanced representation of stakeholders in terms of gender and geographical origin across the EU.
The EBA’s BSG meets at least four times a year at the EBA’s office and on its own initiative when necessary. The EBA covers accommodation and travelling costs for the following categories of stakeholders: consumers, academics, employees and SMEs’ representatives, and users of banking services. Each member of the EBA’s BSG serves for a period of two and a half years and individual terms can be renewed once. More information on the BSGs’ activities can be found here.