Corporate Governance
Bob TrickerRelease date:2019
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Price:€ 54,53
From the ‘father of corporate governance’ comes the new edition of this bestselling text, designed to equip students with a sound understanding of the frameworks that govern organizations. It offers comprehensive coverage of key principles combined with a strong practical focus through a clear three-part structure.
This fourth edition provides a new focus for understanding corporate governance that goes far beyond the regulations, rules, and voluntary codes: it has a new emphasis throughout on culture. For the first time, a distinction is drawn between Western and Eastern perceptions of corporate governance, and new cases from China (including Huawei) further support this new approach.
The book is supported by an extensive range of online resources:
For students:
– Additional information on cases
– Suggested further reading and research tips
– Corporate Governance Blog
– Web links
– Corporate Governance codes around the world
– Answers to self-test questions
For lecturers:
– PowerPoint slides
– Additional case studies
– Group exercises
– Teaching notes for the case studies in the book
– Teaching notes for the projects in the book

Bob Tricker
Bob Tricker studied at Harvard and Oxford Universities, becoming a Research Fellow at the new Oxford Centre for Management Studies, before being appointed professor at the University of Warwick Business School. He returned to Oxford as Director of the Oxford Management Centre, which subsequently became Templeton College, before being merged with Oxford’s Säid Business School. The realization that governance is not management, and a five year’s Research Fellowship at Nuffield College led to the book ‘Corporate Governance,’ the first time these words had been used in a title. He has subsequently written many other books, including …