Mark RabkinRelease date:December 2017
Price:$ 29.93 (eBook)
Mark Rabkins ‘Cryptocurrency How to Invest For Fun and Profit 2018’ is an introduction to electronic currencies. Mark defines what electronic currencies are, how they came to exist and how they are used. If you are considering investing in bitcoin or other electronic currencies but do not understand what they are or how they work this book will provide good background as well as specific information on 30 different currencies. The background information is interesting and easy to understand. The information for each currency is organized so that each one has the exact same information making comparing them quick and easy. –Amazon
Want to understand cryptocurrencies and the ecosystem they operate in? It explains in plain English the various coins available, how they differ, where you can purchase them, how to store them safely and suggests various investment strategies. Several friends are checking it out, recommend you do too.

Mark Rabkin
Mark Rabkin has been a Silicon Valley denizen for many years. His experience includes that of being a Founder and CEO of his own companies as well as a leader and manager for both Apple, management consulting and venture capital backed firms. Mark’s current professional role is as Director of Business Development, AI Strategy and Innovation for a large public enterprise software company. His educational background includes a B.A. in International Relations Cum Laude and an MBA from Cornell University.