Data & Dialogue
Jaap Bosman & Vincent CordoRelease date:2019
Publisher:TGO Consulting
Price:€ 27,50
During the past 50 years or so the relationship between clients and their lawyers has fundamentally been the same. For sure the 2008 Financial Crisis rocked the boat a bit, but things soon went back to normal. In general, despite occasional critical words, clients are happy with their lawyers. Relationships tend to be loyal.
Despite ‘daily’ communications, there is however surprisingly little dialogue. Law Firms have limited understanding of the inner workings of their clients and vice versa. This book will explain in detail what the drivers are on ‘the other side’. In doing so the book will explore how the use of data analytics will soon transform the legal industry and how the relationship between law firms and their clients must be reinvented to enable law firms to still be profitable while clients receive better value. A must read for anyone working in the legal sector!
The topic of this book is the ever-evolving relationship between clients and their law firms. Due to the growing popularity of Legal Operations, technological developments and the rise of Alternative Legal Service providers and other market disruptors, it is impossible to publish a book that is completely up-to-date.
We have therefore created a website through which the information in the book will be complemented and updated. We will share information, statistics, and graphs with you as our reader for free. So, visit the website regularly and use the opportunity to share your thoughts and let us know what you would like us to publish next.

Jaap Bosman
Jaap Bosman is strategisch consultant en oprichter en CEO van TGO Consulting. Zijn kennisgebied is de juridische industrie. Hij spreekt en schrijft regelmatig voor en over bedrijfsjuristen en advocaten. Bosman werkte ruim 15 jaar bij Zuidas-advocatenkantoren. Van 2004 tot 2014 werkte hij bij Houthoff, dat samen met het NGB de Bedrijfsjuristen Monitor heeft opgezet en jaarlijks organiseert.

Vincent Cordo
Vincent Cordo is one of the industry’s pioneers when it comes to strategic operations and using quantifiable data for tracking legal matters, performance and costs. He is the Central Legal Operations Officer at Shell, he has also held strategic client relationship and director roles at several top 50 global law firms.