Effective Information Security Governance a Complete Guide
Gerard BlokdykRelease date:July 2019
Publisher:Emereo Pty Ltd
Price:€ 95,99
What is the range of capabilities? Who will be responsible for making the decisions to include or exclude requested changes once effective information security governance is underway? What qualifies as competition? What is effective effective information security governance? What does verifying compliance entail?
Defining, designing, creating, and implementing a process to solve a challenge or meet an objective is the most valuable role… In EVERY group, company, organization and department.
Unless you are talking a one-time, single-use project, there should be a process. Whether that process is managed and implemented by humans, AI, or a combination of the two, it needs to be designed by someone with a complex enough perspective to ask the right questions. Someone capable of asking the right questions and step back and say, ‘What are we really trying to accomplish here? And is there a different way to look at it?’

Gerard Blokdyk
Gerard Blokdyk has been in many enterprise data center management and CxO roles over the past 25 years, and something simple as the self assessments like we’re producing was always the guide he missed; transparent data across many data points covering a specific topic and its related topics, highlighting what’s important now and in the future – a simple way to instantly understand and move forward in the right direction, based on verifiable data.