Equity & Trusts
Paul S Davies & Graham VirgoRelease date:2019
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Price:€ 57,56
Equity & Trusts: Text, Cases, and Materials provides a comprehensive guide to trusts and equity in a single volume. Drawing on a judiciously balanced selection of case extracts, journal articles, and academic writing, Davies and Virgo present their authoritative commentary on the law with clarity and rigour.
The text guides students through the key legal principles of each case, utilizing supporting learning features to highlight important aspects and help develop students’ independent research skills. Central Issues boxes introduce each chapter to identify the key themes examined and scenario-based questions frame the law in a practical context, encouraging students to think creatively around the subject and assess their own understanding.
This text offers a holistic approach to the study of equity and trusts. Using their unrivalled teaching experience, the authors bring together an expertly selected collection of cases and legal scholarship to present a text that is firmly student-focused, enabling students to fully grasp the key concepts and achieve the best possible results.

Paul S Davies
Paul is Professor of Commercial Law at University College London. He was previously a Fellow of St Catherine’s College, Oxford, and of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Paul is a Barrister of Lincoln’s Inn and an Associate Member of Maitland Chambers.

Graham Virgo
Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) Cambridge University, Professor of English Private Law, Downing College Fellow, commentator on crime, restitution, equity