Freedom of Establishment for Companies in Europe (EU/EEA)
Iris Wuisman & Morshed MannanRelease date:5 June 2019
Publisher:Ars Aequi
Price:€ 21,50
This cahier provides an overview of the freedom of establishment, one of the four freedoms central to the European Union’s single market. The book first contextualizes corporate mobility within a broader economic discussion on market access before turning to the private international law dilemmas posed by legal entities moving across borders.
Next, the foundational work done to include the freedom of establishment in EU legislation is explained. The book then presents the limitations that can be imposed on this freedom and the growing body of CJEU case law that has interpreted the scope of these limitations, thereby providing the contours of the freedom of establishment itself.
The book subsequently delves into the mechanisms provided under EU secondary legislation to enable legal entities to exercise their freedom of establishment, focusing particularly on cross-border mergers and the Societas Europaea. The last chapters of the book are devoted to cross-border divisions and ongoing developments in European company law that are material to freedom of establishment, most notably the 2018 proposal for a legislative framework for cross-border divisions and cross-border conversions.
While primarily targeted at students, we hope that this book will also be of interest to anyone who seeks to have a deeper understanding of the freedom of establishment of companies, the motivations for exercising this freedom and the mechanisms that can be used to do so.

Iris Wuisman
Iris Wuisman is per 1 september 2011 benoemd tot hoogleraar Ondernemingsrecht aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden. Haar onderzoek richt zich op het algemene ondernemingsrecht meer specifiek op ondernemerschap en innovatieve rechtsvormen en rechtsvergelijkend ondernemingsrecht. Zij verzorgt onderwijs in verschillende vakken zoals international corporate law, ILS – Arbeid & Onderneming en postacademische specialisatieopleidingen.
Iris studeerde zowel bedrijfseconomie als rechten (cum laude) aan de Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam en sports management aan de University of Technology Sydney tijdens haar uitwisseling in Australië. Met de afronding van haar twee volledige studies heeft Iris Wuisman een basis gelegd voor haar ambitie om verschillende disciplines zoveel als mogelijk te integreren.

Morshed Mannan
Morshed Mannan (1990) is a Meijers PhD candidate attached to the Company Law Department, Institute of Private Law. He completed his LLM in Advanced Studies in International Civil & Commercial Law ( cum laude) at Leiden University. His Master’s Thesis was supervised by Professor Dr. Bob Wessels and was entitled: “The Prospects and Challenges of Adopting the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency in South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan)”. He also participated in the Meijer’s Institute Talent Programme, as part of which he undertook a research internship under the supervision of Professor Dr. A.G. Castermans and Dr. C.P.L. van Woensel. During the internship, he researched and drafted a chapter for a Course Book on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for future business lawyers with Professor Castermans and Dr. van Woensel.