Handbook Compliance & Integrity Management
Sylvie Cécile Bleker-van Eyk & Raf HoubenRelease date:August 2017
Price: $106.00
Handbook of Compliance & Integrity Management provides a scientific underpinning for the practice of compliance. The compliance discipline in companies and financial institutions has grown exponentially in recent years. In spite of a plethora of works on compliance, the academic discipline on compliance is still in its infancy. This book, which is the result of the researches conducted by the Post-Doctoral Education in Compliance and Integrity Management of the VU University, examines the subject from such crucial and varied perspectives as ethics, behavioural science, risk management, accounting, and European and international law. Much more than a critical approach to the existing practice of supervision, it provides a wealth of information, guidance, and valuable insights into the day-to-day work of compliance officers.
What’s in this book
With chapters which foster alternatives such as greater trust in self-regulation and market discipline, this book explores aspects of compliance and integrity management as the following:
- monitoring risk compliance and integrity;
- stakeholder and reputation management;
- conflicts of interest;
- anti-bribery;
- export controls;
- extraterritorial jurisdiction of US legislation;
- fraud;
- duty of care;
- market abuse;
- privacy; and
- competition.
The analysis throughout is supported by a comprehensive study of the literature concerning the raison d’être of supervision and regulation.
How this will help you
Meeting the need for an in-depth analysis of the ever-growing area of compliance and integrity management, this book is a milestone in a field that is rapidly growing in importance across a wide spectrum of business and professional activities. It will prove to be an essential practical resource for company and institutional officers worldwide in setting up a compliance function in their organization.

Sylvie Cécile Bleker-van Eyk
Mr. Sylvie Cécile Bleker-van Eyk studeerde Internationaal Recht en Staatsrecht aan de Katholieke Universiteit Brabant. Vervolgens was zij elf jaar verbonden aan de Universiteit Utrecht, waar zij ook promoveerde op het onderwerp van gedragscodes voor multinationals. Sinds 2011 is zij programmadirecteur aan de VU, bij de postgraduate-opleiding Compliance & Integriteitsmanagement. Daarnaast heeft zij een aantal functies bekleed in het bedrijfsleven en is zij op dit moment werkzaam als Director bij Deloitte Risk Services.

Raf Houben
Mr. Raf Houben is werkzaam bij a.s.r. op de gebieden van compliance, corporate governance en financiële toezichtwetgeving. Hij heeft ruime praktijkervaring opgedaan op voornoemde gebieden bij diverse instellingen en ondernemingen in de financiële sector. Hij is als universitair docent verbonden aan de postgraduate opleiding ‘Compliance & Integriteit Management’ van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Hij heeft diverse publicaties op zijn naam staan en geeft regelmatig lezingen.