Combating Financial Economic Crime
On Friday, April 29 2022, the International Risk Congress will take place in Brussels with the theme “Combating Financial Economic Crime”. The language of the conference is English. Several speakers from the Netherlands, Austria, Germany and abroad have already committed themselves. The event will be held at Euroclear’s headquarters in Brussels. It is easy to reach by car and train, and within walking distance from Brussels North Station.
International, cross-border financial and economic crime runs like a thread through the program, with contributions on international scamming practices, cryptocurrency regulations and the role that offshore companies play internationally in the fight against money laundering. Various keynotes will give presentations, such as regulator Jean-Paul Servais (FSMA), but practitioners such as Olivier Goffard, Global Director Compliance Euroclear, among many others, like Elfriede Sixt, Jan van Koningsveld and David Lewis will also speak.
The special conference website is live with all the details about the program and the speakers. You can in any case already mark down April 29 in your agenda. The hybrid event will begin at 11.30 am. This Congress is organized by the Risk & Compliance Platform Europe. Day Chair : Evert-Jan Lammers.
For more information about this Hybrid Congress visit