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Photo: KNMI, Jorgen van Meijbeek

Climate risk: What does it mean for you?

01 April 2024
Knowledge Base

by Inge van Dijk

On November second of last year the city of Amsterdam, came very close to disaster. It had been raining heavily for weeks, very unusual even by Dutch standards. Water levels in the waters north of Amsterdam had been rising. On top of that, storm Ciarán was about to reach the coast and drive up the water to even higher levels. Normally, under these circumstances, the sluices around the city drain excess water into the North Sea. But in this case the drainage system malfunctioned. At seven o’ clock that morning, people in some of the lower lying parts of the city saw the water sloshing against their basement windows. By that time the regional water authorities were in full crisis mode and the mayor had been warned. Finally, at half past seven the lock shafts at the sluices were repaired, and the water started to drop slowly. It was just in time: the water could have risen to up to one meter in parts of Amsterdam. Afterwards, the water authorities warned that, although there had been an exceptional combination of factors at play, we are likely to see these kind of water levels more often. Because of extreme weather conditions, caused by climate change. This is just one relative minor example from my home soil. I could have also mentioned the forest fires in Australia, droughts in Africa and central America and cyclones in South East Asia. Continue reading…

Photo: Burkhard Balz

Optimisation in the clearing system – pass me the toolbox

29 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Burkhard Balz

The Financial Stability Board recently ran a consultation on a draft report regarding “CCP financial resources in resolution”.[*1] It introduces a so-called “toolbox”. When you hear the word “toolbox”, you might imagine a craftsman with a heavy box full of different tools. For me, a scene from the film “Gran Torino”, directed by Clint Eastwood, comes to mind. A young man from the local neighbourhood is tasked with repairing damages to local homes to make up for past wrongdoing. However, he lacks both experience and suitable tools for the job. A grumpy neighbour, brilliantly portrayed by Clint Eastwood himself and with many years of expertise in repairs, hands him out three basic, but helpful, tools[*2] and advises him to acquire more and more tools over time. This scene reminds me of the beginning of our journey after the financial crisis in 2008. We, too, had repairs to make. Our strategy was, as outlined at the G20 Pittsburgh Summit in 2009, to go for a centralised clearing space in order to make our financial system safer and more resilient. Continue reading…

Technology-Enabled Compliance is More Proactive, Adaptable and Comprehensive

27 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Uzi Rosha

Compliance programs serve as a critical foundation for ensuring financial institutions operate within legal and regulatory boundaries. The dynamic and complex nature of financial regulations necessitates a strategic approach to compliance, one that is proactive, adaptable, and comprehensive. Traditional compliance frameworks, while foundational, often struggle to keep pace with the rapid evolution of financial products, services, and regulations. In the rapidly evolving financial sector, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of compliance programs. Continue reading…

Safeguarding data in the hybrid era

26 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Ian Jones

As hybrid work models become the new norm, businesses face a complex set of challenges, particularly regarding data compliance and security. Whilst managing remote teams has become more refined in recent years, there is something that threatens this way of working. That threat is unseen, unsafe and unsuspecting. It’s a digital danger that comes in the form of sensitive data loss, cyber-attacks and data breaches, each one looming ever larger in this evolving working model. The stakes are high. Continue reading…

Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

The EU extends the US provisional equivalence in the area of insurance or reinsurance group solvency calculation

25 March 2024

On 14 March 2024, the European Commission decided to extend the provisional equivalence decision regarding the insurance and reinsurance solvency regime in force in the US. The regime applicable to insurance and reinsurance undertakings with head offices in the US is to be considered provisionally equivalent to the solvency rules related to the valuation of assets and liabilities, technical provisions, own funds, SCR, MCR and investment rules as laid down in Solvency II (SII). “EU insurance groups will be able to calculate capital requirements for their operations in the US on the basis of local rules. By eliminating the need to reconcile with EU rules, European groups can continue to operate on an equal footing with their American counterparts, and to benefit from alleviated administrative burden and reduced costs”, thus the Commission. Continue reading…

Why regulators must adopt AI now

18 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Daoud Abdel Hadi

It’s a new world – defined by rapid technological advancements, and witnessing more organisations embracing AI. To navigate this ever changing landscape, it is essential that regulators recognise traditional governance principles no longer suffice. In fact, relying on these outdated principles could result in more harm than good. Regulators must begin to use the power of AI to modernise their approach and promote responsible innovation. As the world turns, it’s essential for regulators to foster an ecosystem that integrates AI effectively and protects individuals at the same time. Continue reading…

Gen AI Interventions in Climate Risk Management

14 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Ajay Katara

Climate risk is assuming a critical role for banks and financial institutions due to the mounting environmental challenges. As the frequency and severity of climate-related events increase, banks face heightened risks associated with their investments, loans, and overall financial stability. It’s no surprise that climate risk management features in the topmost agenda for CRO’s (Chief Risk Officers) globally as effectively managing these risks is imperative to safeguard assets, ensure regulatory compliance, and promote long-term sustainability in the context of a changing climate. Continue reading…

Three steps to ensure accurate compliance evaluation

12 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Robert Houghton

Remaining compliant in today’s financial landscape is no easy feat. Every call, message, communication and snippet of information shared between employees, customers and trading partners must be captured, stored and monitored to prove compliance. To regulators, every financial institution is potentially guilty of wrongdoing, until proven innocent. On top of that, we’ve seen the emergence of regulations like the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) showing that regulators’ demands are increasing and growing stricter1. This leaves many financial institutions wondering if their compliance status has changed. So, how can they ensure they are remaining compliant when the goalposts keep moving? Continue reading…

Eurojust supports an EPPO-led operation against carousel VAT fraud for the first time

11 March 2024
Knowledge Base

For the first time, Eurojust has supported an international joint action led by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) against large-scale cross-border carousel VAT fraud involving companies in several Member States. The joint operation, also supported by Europol, resulted in the arrest of 14 suspects and more than 180 simultaneous searches in 17 countries. Over 680 officers participated in the actions on the ground.

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Larger companies will have to work hard in the coming years as a result of the CSDDD

08 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Michel Klompmaker

On 1 June 2023, The European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD for short). This directive requires all large organisations in Europe to identify and, where necessary, prevent, eliminate or reduce the negative impact of their activities on human rights and the environment in their value chains. Thus, the CSDDD is a duty of due diligence that affects entire value chains. We talked about this directive with Johan Löfquist, Head of Sustainability Data at Worldfavor. Continue reading…