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Judgment on appeal postponed for tenth time, but Reggie de Jong keeps faith in good outcome

09 February 2024
Knowledge Base

by Michel Klompmaker

The appeal judgment between De Jong et al. v. Airbus – Deutsche Bank – Deutsche Börse – Clearstream and InsingerGilissen (part of Quintet Private Bank) known as case number 200,289,627/01, was postponed for the tenth time. The appeal hearing took place on May 18, 2022 and the new roll date for the judgment is now set for April 2, 2024. Now that the second anniversary is over and there is still no judgment, there are question marks as to why there is yet again a postponement, now for the tenth time. We spoke with concerned Reggie de Jong, former swimming champion, wherein she made the comparison between her swimming career and this fraud case. Continue reading…

Ajay Katara

Ajay Katara

Consulting Partner and Head the RegTech Portfolio in Banking Risk Management area at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Unraveling Risk and Compliance Trends in 2024

07 February 2024
Knowledge Base

Over the last few years, risk and compliance function has been a top priority for many banks and financial services organisations, with initiatives spanning across adoption of newer regulatory compliances, stress testing, model risk management, and focus on emerging risks like climate risk, to name a few. Come 2024, as per industry reports, the spend in risk and compliance is expected to grow by 14% in 2024 with the spotlight around heightened regulatory scrutiny, newer regulatory initiatives, and technological adoptions to drive optimisation and efficiencies within the function which will eventually help to meet the business demands and expectations for 2024 and beyond. Continue reading…

15 arrested for arranging 133 sham marriages in Cyprus

06 February 2024
Knowledge Base

Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Cyprus, Portugal and Latvia have dismantled a criminal network suspected of organising 133 sham marriages in Cyprus to facilitate illegal immigration into the European Union. During a joint action day carried out on 29 January, 15 suspects were arrested: 13 in Cyprus, one in Latvia and one in Portugal. According to the investigations, the criminal network was also involved in human trafficking and money laundering activities, as well as forcing victims into bogus marriages for immigration purposes. Continue reading…

Six steps to ensure compliance in a work-anywhere world

02 February 2024
Knowledge Base

by Robert Houghton

The battle about operating at home, in the office or other locations continues to rage in financial services. Yet in many ways, the debate is irrelevant. The genie is out of the bottle. Ignoring it – even if very few people work from home in an organisation – simply increases risk. This stems from regulators’ calls for a level playing field across home and office when it comes to compliance. In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) says remote workers must not affect a firm’s ability to continually meet regulations1. Continue reading…

Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

A silent masterstroke: The Berne Financial Services Agreement (2/2)

01 February 2024
Knowledge Base

The Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland signed an agreement on mutual recognition in financial services, also called the Berne Financial Services Agreement, on 21 December 2023. It has several sectoral annexes, each dealing with the details for a particular financial sector. Annex 4 deals with insurance. The purpose of the Agreement, the mutual recognition, is reiterated in the annex: “Covered Financial Services Suppliers are permitted to provide Covered Services to Covered Clients from the territory of one Party into the territory of the other Party, as set out and specified in the Sectoral Annexes”. The covered services for both Parties in the insurance field are not entirely the same. Continue reading…

Compliance Resilience

31 January 2024
Knowledge Base

by Alessandro Cerboni

Organisations are complex dynamic systems and for these it is necessary to strengthen Compliance Resilience. When we talk about interactions between agents (people) of a complex system such as an organisation, we most commonly refer to concepts of complex systems theory or simulation systems, which are disciplines created to study and move in complex dynamic systems. Complex systems theory studies the structure and behaviour of systems composed of many interacting parts. Continue reading…

Cybersecurity Attack Attempts More Than Doubled, Increasing 104% in 2023

30 January 2024
Knowledge Base

Armis, the asset intelligence cybersecurity company, recently announced, The Anatomy of Cybersecurity: A Dissection of 2023’s Attack Landscape. The 2023 analysis of Armis’ proprietary data offers critical insight into the multifaceted challenges global organisations face when it comes to protecting the entire attack surface. Report findings serve as a blueprint to help security teams worldwide prioritise efforts to reduce cyber risk exposure in 2024. Continue reading…

45+ Stats About Big Tech’s Carbon Footprint (Part 2)

29 January 2024
Knowledge Base

by Tom Read

In the first part of the article that was published recently (see the related items section), Tom took a close look at 23 stats on big tech’s carbon footprint. He did so by first providing an overview of Tech’s Co2 emissions. He then talked about some stats about the best and worst among the Tech industry and consumer electronics. In this second part, he will take closer look at consumer media, search engines and artificial intelligence, emissions in FinTech and e-commerce, and the road to lower emissions.  Continue reading…

Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

A silent masterstroke: The Berne Financial Services Agreement (1/2)

23 January 2024
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After more than 2 years of negotiating, just a few days before Christmas, on 21 December 2023, Karin Keller-Sutter, the head of the Swiss Federal Department of Finance, and Jeremy Hunt, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, signed the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Mutual Recognition in Financial Services, also called the Berne Financial Services Agreement. According to both parties, the Agreement is unique in the world in the area of financial services in terms of scope – encompassing a broad range of financial services sectors – and also in terms of approach: a two-way, and not a one-way, equivalence recognition. It sends a strong signal for open and resilient financial markets, according to the Parties. The Agreement was borne out of a desire of both countries to establish a framework for mutual recognition of each other’s regulatory and supervisory frameworks applicable to certain financial services, while taking account of their respective constitutional, legal and regulatory systems. Parties want to achieve this (1) through the removal of obstacles to the provision of financial services and the reduction of regulatory frictions for cross-border activity, based on and safeguarded by mutual recognition as well as (2) close regulatory and supervisory cooperation. Continue reading…

45+ Stats About Big Tech’s Carbon Footprint (Part 1)

22 January 2024
Knowledge Base

by Tom Read

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the world has increasingly relied on technologies that emit greenhouse gasses. In the 20th century, economies shifted away from mechanical technologies and toward digital technologies that permeate nearly every industry and aspect of life. This large-scale adoption has caused greenhouse gas emissions to increase exponentially. These gasses have dangerously altered the Earth’s atmosphere, causing global temperatures to rise an average of more than 1C, and sea levels to rise 8-9 inches (21-24 cm). Continue reading…