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Coordinated action against international investment fraud network

14 September 2021
Knowledge Base

In the morning of 8 September, coordinated searches and witness hearings in Palma de Mallorca (Spain), the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark took place to halt the activities of a criminal group committing large-scale investment fraud, causing damages amounting to over EUR 55 million to a large number of victims across Europe. The action followed a complex, three-year-long investigation, which was led by the Public Prosecution Office (PPO) of Dresden and the State Office of Criminal Investigations of Saxony in Germany and coordinated through Eurojust. Continue reading…

Basel III and global cooperation: Where do we go from here?

13 September 2021
Knowledge Base

Carolyn Rogers, Secretary General of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, recently delivered a keynote speech at the The Kangaroo Group virtual debate on 8 September 2021. When she received the invitation, the name of the group caught her attention: she had to admit to needing to do a bit of research to find out what possible interest a group interested in kangaroos would have in bank regulation. But she was pleased to discover that the organisation has a lot in common with the Basel Committee. Continue reading…

Foundation SOMI starts collective investigation into 533 million leaked Facebook accounts

08 September 2021
Knowledge Base

As of today, the SOMI Foundation makes it possible for all European consumers to check via its SOMI app whether they have become a victim of the Facebook data leak from April this year. It can also reveal which of their personal data is circulating on the Dark Web. In total, personal data of more than 533 million Facebook accounts were leaked in April 2021, including 96.7 million European accounts. After verifying their own data, consumers can participate in the foundation’s legal investigation and possible collective claim against Facebook, which requires collection of evidence of GDPR violation from the data breach. The foundation is offering a total of €10,000 to anyone who can prove with their personal data that Facebook has violated the GDPR. Continue reading…

Photo: 18-01-2018, amsterdam, ict recht, Partners Arnoud Engelfriet en Steven Ras foto en copyright leonard faustle

Arnoud Engelfriet: “We are going to innovate the legal market and make it more efficient”

06 September 2021
Knowledge Base

by Michel Klompmaker

We recently spoke with Arnoud Engelfriet in the heart of Amsterdam about Lynn Legal’s legal tech solution. Lynn Legal is actually a kind of cross between a modern IT company and a legal consultancy. Founders Arnoud Engelfriet and Steven Ras (see photo from left to right) are convinced that legal processes can be organised more intuitively and efficiently thanks to the application of modern technology. Their lawyer bots have already reviewed more than 14,000 NDAs and more than 1,000 data processing agreements since the beginning of 2021. In total, more than 50,000 legal problems have been spotted and resolved. We spoke with Arnoud about the background, the present and the future. Continue reading…

Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

The supervision of run-off undertakings

01 September 2021
Knowledge Base

On 23 July 2021, EIOPA issued a consultation on a potential new supervisory statement, focusing this time on the supervision of run-off undertakings. The aim of any supervisory statement is to ensure the application of high-quality and convergent supervision. Run-off undertakings or portfolios are unabridged subject to the Solvency II (SII) prudential framework in which no specific provisions are foreseen for these “insurance undertakings”. In a dynamic and competitive European insurance market where it should be possible for players to come and go, a clear framework for run-off undertakings seems logical. In addition, there is an increasing interest in the acquisitions of run-off portfolios and run-off undertakings by other insurance undertakings and specialised investment entities such as private equity. Therefore, one could argue that, because the SII framework is lacking a specific regulation, this void needs to be filled. Does this mean that the proportionality principle is not specific enough to deal with particularities of nature, size and complexity?  Continue reading…

BIS Innovation Hub and HKMA investigate how tokenised green bonds can improve sustainable investment

25 August 2021
Knowledge Base

In many countries, issuing and investing in bonds can be cumbersome and complex, involving many steps and parties, and typically requiring a considerable financial commitment from the investor. For those investing in environmentally friendly projects, there is uncertainty about whether the bond issuer is delivering the positive green impact it committed to at issuance. Also, there are typically no liquid and transparent secondary markets for retail investors. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub Hong Kong Centre and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) joined forces with the technology industry on Project Genesis to build a prototype digital infrastructure that enables green investments, improves transparency on the use of proceeds, and thereby helps meet regional and global environmental and sustainability goals. Continue reading…

Fraud involving sale of facemasks halted thanks to Eurojust support

20 August 2021
Knowledge Base

An online scam involving the sale of protective materials against COVID-19, such as facemasks, has been halted with the support of Eurojust. During a joint action day conducted on 10 August, 34 searches took place across Romania, Ireland and the Netherlands. In total, 23 suspects were charged, of whom ten have been detained, with Eurojust enabling cross-border judicial cooperation. Companies in at least 20 countries were defrauded of approximately EUR 1 million. Continue reading…

DTCC Derivatives Repository fined €408,000 for EMIR data breaches

18 August 2021
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The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, has fined DTCC Derivatives Repository Plc (DDRL) a total of €408,000 for seven infringements of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) regarding data confidentiality, data integrity, and direct and immediate access to data. The breaches relate to: granting certain asset managers access to data that they were not entitled to receive; setting up its IT system in a way which altered the substance of certain information reported to DDRL; and failing to provide regulators with direct and immediate access to relevant data. Continue reading…

HSBC – A dirty bank as an accomplice of big style Cybercriminals!

13 August 2021
Knowledge Base

by Elfriede Sixt

EFRI, an association based in Vienna, Austria, set up in spring 2020, by now represents more than 1.052 European consumers who were defrauded by cybercriminals as of writing over EUR 59,2 million in the form of investment scams also referred to as boiler room scams. HSBC, one of the world’s largest banks, is known for being a “dirty” bank. It is public knowledge that HSBC for decades has laundered hundreds of millions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels and HSBC took a prominent role in about all scandals which evolved during the past years: Panama Papers, Swiss Leaks, … (a video on the history of HSBC and its involvement in crimes can be watched here). So probably it is not surprising that this “dirty” bank is also heavily involved in Cybercriminal activities. Continue reading…

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying

11 August 2021
Knowledge Base

Scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region and across the whole climate system, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released on August 9. Many of the changes observed in the climate are unprecedented in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, and some of the changes already set in motion—such as continued sea level rise—are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of years. However, strong and sustained reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases would limit climate change. While benefits for air quality would come quickly, it could take 20-30 years to see global temperatures stabilise, according to the IPCC Working Group I report, Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis, approved on Friday by 195 member governments of the IPCC, through a virtual approval session that was held over two weeks starting on July 26. Continue reading…