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Brexit vote dampens dealmaking expectations

01 November 2016
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Dealmaking appetite in Europe has been overshadowed by the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, according to the fourth edition of the European M&A Outlook, published by CMS in association with Mergermarket. The report canvassed the opinions of 230 Europe-based executives, from corporates and private equity firms, both before and after the UK’s referendum on 23 June. In the aftermath of the Brexit vote, 66% of respondents believed European M&A will be more muted over the next 12 months, compared to just 18% pre-referendum. Moreover, while only 23% of those surveyed before 23 June felt less positive about levels of European M&A activity than they did in the previous year, after the vote 90% said they were less positive about the European deal outlook.
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The commercial implications of MiFID II for securities exchanges’ data businesses

21 October 2016
Knowledge Base

by Jorden Veenstra

As with most European legislation MiFID I contained a commitment by the European Commission to re-examine the implementation and impact of MiFID I after a number of years. MiFID II is meant to address the shortcomings of the original MiFID, to extend the scope of MiFID, to respond to lessons learned during the financial crisis and to provide for market and technological developments since 2004. Let us take a closer look at how MiFID II. due for implimentation on January 3, 2018, will impact securities exchanges’ data businesses.
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All large internationally active banks meet Basel III minimum and CET1 target capital requirements

14 September 2016
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The Basel Committee today published the results of its latest Basel III monitoring exercise. The Committee established a rigorous reporting process to regularly review the implications of the Basel III standards for banks and it has published the results of previous exercises since 2012. Data have been provided for a total of 228 banks, comprising 100 large internationally active banks (“Group 1 banks”, defined as internationally active banks that have Tier 1 capital of more than €3 billion) and 128 “Group 2 banks” (ie representative of all other banks).
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Corporates and compliance: Time to act

15 August 2016
Knowledge Base

by Robert Schneider

In an effort to ensure compliance with financial crime regulations, regulators globally are beginning to focus their attention on the corporate sector. Many companies are regarding this new responsibility with scepticism and try to assign it to their banks. However, due to the complexity of the respective regulations, this approach is neither constructive nor a free pass for the future. But by attending to the issue and acting quickly, they can avoid negative effects to their core business.
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Professors debate: Moral muteness and integrity deafness

20 July 2016
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by Frank van den Nieuwenhuijzen

During the closing dinner of the annual meeting of the Risk and Compliance Platform Europe, Professor Ronald Jeurissen and Professor Sharon Oded debated moral muteness and integrity deafness. Professor Jeurissen stressed the importance of breaking through moral muteness among employees. Professor Oded agreed, but added that integrity deafness within an organisation is at least equally important to address.
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UK’s Brexit vote to have wide repercussions, leads to change in economic and market scenarios

26 June 2016
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by Christophe Donay

Results from the UK’s referendum on membership of the European Union (EU) indicate that voters have decided the UK should leave the EU. This result is likely to have wide political, economic and financial market repercussions, leading us to alter our economic and market forecasts and, potentially, our asset allocation. Continue reading…

Financial crime compliance and failure: how to resolve an impossible situation

07 June 2016
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Banks worldwide have been struggling in the battle against financial crime. Recent high-profile examples demonstrate that the rate of anti-money laundering (AML) compliance enforcement is continuing to rise. At the same time, the cost of compliance failure is escalating with fines and provisions increasing by at least 300% during the second half of 2012 compared to the first. If the related impact to banks’ bottom line is not damaging enough, the loss of trust among customers and regulators makes the combined effect potentially life-threatening.
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Evil corruption in sport

02 June 2016
Knowledge Base

by Evert-Jan Lammers

If you are not a sponsor, an athlete or a gambler you probably wouldn’t know that the largest running event in Europe took place last weekend in Brussels. But you would know of the coming-up European football championship and the Olympic games. What you should know is that in most sports, big and small, international and local, there is match fixing, doping of athletes, and vote-buying (in bidding). The world of sports is infected. If only we could smell it.
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