Judgment on appeal postponed for tenth time, but Reggie de Jong keeps faith in good outcome

09 February 2024
Knowledge Base

by Michel Klompmaker

The appeal judgment between De Jong et al. v. Airbus – Deutsche Bank – Deutsche Börse – Clearstream and InsingerGilissen (part of Quintet Private Bank) known as case number 200,289,627/01, was postponed for the tenth time. The appeal hearing took place on May 18, 2022 and the new roll date for the judgment is now set for April 2, 2024. Now that the second anniversary is over and there is still no judgment, there are question marks as to why there is yet again a postponement, now for the tenth time. We spoke with concerned Reggie de Jong, former swimming champion, wherein she made the comparison between her swimming career and this fraud case.

Reggie de Jong: “In my swimming career, I had to compete at major international tournaments, including European championships and Olympics, against drugged and cheating East German swimmers. Now, over thirty years later, in business I again encounter German cheats, this time powerful companies and financial institutions. How so, Deutsche Gründlichkeit? During my swimming career, things were hard to prove, except for the swimmers’ male Adam’s apple and the large pustules on their masculine, athletic bodies. The files of East German swimmers drugged with anabolic steroids were released after the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. The Stasi archives became public. To hang a gold medal after that was and is going too far for me. After all, history can hardly be rewritten.”

Reggie de Jong continues and we now end up with the second part of the equation, the lawsuit against the large European companies mentioned in the introduction, known as the “MBB Clean Energy mega-fraud.” De Jong: “In the proceedings on the merits that I brought against the above-mentioned, mainly German, parties, I presented the facts in a well-substantiated manner and proved, in my humble opinion, that the parties collaborated with each other to bring about this mega-fraud. In short: infecting the regulated securities market with unsecured bonds (empty shells) and using these unsecured MBB CE bonds as collateral for margin accounts and lines of credit, while those MBB CE bonds are blocked to ordinary citizens and investors due to the bankruptcy of MBB Clean Energy. According to insiders and little concealed witness statement(s), Munich-based MBB Clean Energy is a front company for Airbus.”

The role of all the parties in this mega-fraud has been comprehensively presented to the Court in the form of a file consisting of seven thick binders of double-sided copied pages. The defence of the five parties includes two thick binders on top of that, with much attention paid to manuals and internal procedures.

De Jong wonders why InsingerGilissen transferred the legal representation of Prof. mr. Kitty Lieverse, professor at Radboud University in the field of financial law, to mr. Marit Bosselaar at a time when we are waiting for the judgment, according to the roll call. Wouldn’t this professor/lawyer soon want her name on the judgment?

De Jong actually finds it inhumanely long before a judgment is handed down, for someone who lost everything more than a decade ago because of this mega-fraud. But she is more than confident that justice will eventually prevail, assuming the judges have taken the time to carefully draft the judgment to prevent the parties from appealing in cassation.

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