ECB proposes to reduce reporting burden for banks and increase data quality

09 November 2020

The European Central Bank (ECB) recently published the European System of Central Banks’ (ESCB) input into a European Banking Authority (EBA) feasibility report on reducing the reporting burden for the European banking industry. Under Article 430c of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union mandated the EBA to carry out a feasibility study and requested that input from the ESCB be taken into account. Continue reading…

ING to appoint Ljiljana Čortan as Chief Risk Officer

06 November 2020

ING announced today that Ljiljana Čortan will be appointed Chief Risk Officer of ING. Ljiljana Čortan until recently served as chief risk officer of HypoVereinsbank – UniCredit Bank (HVB) in Germany. She will succeed Steven van Rijswijk, who was appointed CEO of ING effective 1 July 2020. Ljiljana Čortan will be appointed as Chief Risk Officer and member of the Management Board Banking effective 1 January 2021. The Supervisory Board will propose to shareholders to appoint her as member of the Executive Board and Chief Risk Officer of ING Group at the Annual General Meeting in April 2021. 
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ESMA published the results of its Peer Review related to Wirecard

05 November 2020
Knowledge Base

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, has published the results of its Fast Track Peer Review (Peer Review) which assessed the events leading to the collapse of Wirecard AG and the supervisory response by BaFin (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungaufsicht) and the Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (FREP). The Peer Review focuses on the application by BaFin and FREP of the Guidelines on Enforcement of Financial Information (GLEFI) and on impediments to the effectiveness of the German two-tier supervisory system for financial reporting in the specific context of the Wirecard case. The Peer Review, based on the assessment, identifies a number of deficiencies, inefficiencies and legal and procedural impediments. These relate to the following areas: the independence of BaFin from issuers and government; market monitoring by both BaFin and FREP; examination procedures of FREP; and the effectiveness of the supervisory system in the area of financial reporting. The Peer Review provides recommendations to address these shortcomings.  Continue reading…

FSB report considers financial stability implications of BigTech in finance in emerging market and developing economies

04 November 2020

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) recently published a report about market developments and financial stability implications from the provision of financial services by BigTech firms in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs). The report is being delivered to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors for their virtual meeting on 14 October. The report finds that the expansion of BigTech firms in financial services in EMDEs has generally been more rapid and broad-based than that in advanced economies. Lower levels of financial inclusion in EMDEs create a source of demand for BigTech firms’ services, particularly amongst low-income populations and in rural areas where populations are under-served by traditional financial institutions. Continue reading…

International banking supervisory community meets virtually – focus on the future of banking supervision in a changing world

02 November 2020

The 21st International Conference of Banking Supervisors (ICBS), hosted virtually by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) and the Bank of Canada, was held on 19-22 October 2020. Approximately 450 senior banking supervisors and central bankers representing close to 100 countries took part. Delegates discussed a wide range of issues related to the future of banking supervision in a changing world. The discussions covered the digitalisation of finance and the evolution of banking models, operational resilience, climate-related financial risks and remote working arrangements. Participants also exchanged views on the challenges for central banks and bank supervisors in advanced and emerging market economies during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as adapting to the changing operating environment for central banks and supervisors. Continue reading…

FCA highlights continuing support for consumers struggling with payments

29 October 2020

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has been recently urging consumers struggling to make repayments due to the impact of coronavirus (Covid-19), to speak to their lenders about options available to them. The FCA has put in place a package of support for people in difficulty to ensure help is available after 31 October. A survey of more than 7,000 people, conducted by the FCA during the coronavirus pandemic, found 12 million people in the UK had low financial resilience, meaning they may struggle with bills or loan repayments. The data shows 2 million of those who are not financially resilient have become so since February. Continue reading…

AFME report monitors European capital markets performance in 2020

28 October 2020

A phenomenal degree of capital markets funding upheld businesses in the first semester of 2020. As such, bond issuance has risen, with growth of social bonds solidifying Europe’s ESG administration. However, an undeveloped equities market implies SMEs keep on depending on loans from banks, limiting their chances to develop. Securitisation volumes kept on falling, impeding the banks’ ability to extend their loaning. Capital market unions required like never before to help long haul recuperation. European capital business markets provided gave record funding amounts to help businesses and economies this year. However, the absence of progress on the Capital Markets Union could stifle Europe’s economic recovery, as per a report published on October 28th by the Association of Financial Markets in Europe in a joint effort with 10 other international and European organisations. Continue reading…

Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

Forewarned is forearmed – the European Commission consults on sustainable corporate governance to foster long-term sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour

27 October 2020
Knowledge Base

The consultation launched on 26 October 2020 by the European Commission asks how the EU can best go about helping businesses in the way they operate, towards a transformation to a more sustainable economy and to ensure that environmental and social interests are embedded in business strategies. The European Commission communicated in December 2019 its Green Deal action plan. One of its ambitions is to mainstream sustainability in all EU policies. Because it considers the private sector as key to financing the transition, it set out a number of actions: one is to strengthen the foundation for sustainable investment. This means also to further embed sustainability into the corporate governance framework, “as many companies still focus too much on short-term financial performance compared to their long-term development and sustainability aspects”. Other actions are the review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive and supporting “businesses and other stakeholders in developing standardised natural capital accounting practices within the EU and internationally.”  Continue reading…

ECB enhances internal whistleblowing framework

26 October 2020

The European Central Bank (ECB) has recently announced an enhanced internal whistleblowing framework to protect the integrity of the institution. It encompasses a new internal tool for simple and secure reporting of potential breaches of professional duties, inappropriate behaviour or other irregularities, and the possibility for whistleblowers and witnesses to request protection from retaliation. The new IT tool also allows for anonymous reporting. Continue reading…

FSB publishes global transition roadmap for LIBOR

24 October 2020

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) recently published a global transition roadmap for LIBOR. The roadmap sets out a timetable of actions for financial and non-financial sector firms to take in order to ensure a smooth LIBOR transition by end-2021. In July the FSB reaffirmed that financial and non-financial sector firms across all jurisdictions should continue their efforts to make wider use of risk-free rates in order to reduce reliance on IBORs where appropriate and in particular to remove remaining dependencies on LIBOR by the end of 2021. Continue reading…