
Brexit: the FCA confirms final rules for firms

04 April 2019
Knowledge Base

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published its final instruments and guidance that will apply in the event the UK leaves the EU without a deal or an implementation period. As the UK prepares to leave the EU, the FCA has been working to deliver a transition that is as smooth as possible. The package of documents published contains the majority of the final instruments and guidance, following the February publication of the FCA’s Policy Statement with near-final instruments.
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SEC Charges Medical Device Company With FCPA Violations

03 April 2019

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA (FMC) has agreed to pay more than $231 million to resolve parallel SEC and U.S. Department of Justice investigations related to its violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) across multiple countries for nearly a decade. The SEC’s order finds that FMC, a German-based worldwide provider of products and services for individuals with chronic kidney failure engaged in misconduct in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Angola, Turkey, Spain, China, Serbia, Bosnia, Mexico, and eight countries in the West African region against a backdrop where the company failed to have sufficient internal accounting controls. 

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Vernieuwde website met Kennisbank als noviteit

02 April 2019

We zijn erg blij dat u vanaf vandaag de vernieuwde Nederlandstalige website kunt bezoeken. Eind 2014 zijn we als Risk & Compliance Platform Europe begonnen met de drie talen Nederlands, Frans en Engels. Inmiddels zijn daar nog drie talen aan toegevoegd, te weten Duits, Italiaans en Pools. Nieuwe talen zullen in de loop van dit jaar ook worden toegevoegd zoals Roemeens, Oekraïens, Russisch en Spaans. De komende periode zullen ook de andere talen naar de vernieuwde website worden overgeheveld.

De vernieuwde website laat ons toe al deze nieuwe talen te kunnen toevoegen. In de loop der tijd is op ons platform veel waardevolle content gepubliceerd, vandaar dat we op vraag van veel bezoekers besloten hebben om deze content te ordenen in een Kennisbank met verschillende rubrieken. In onze Kennisbank vindt u voortaan de door de redactie geselecteerde artikelen, die voor iedere bezoeker van de website vrij toegankelijk is.

Een woord van dank aan onze webdesigners en programmeurs onder leiding Glenn Rudolph is hier echt op zijn plaats.

Namens de redactionele équipe van het Risk & Compliance Platform Europe veel leesplezier op ons platform voor nu en in de toekomst!

Michel Klompmaker


Α common EU approach to the security of 5G networks

02 April 2019
Knowledge Base

Following the support from Heads of State or Government expressed at the European Council on 22 March for a concerted approach to the security of 5G networks, the European Commission recommended a set of concrete actions to assess cybersecurity risks of 5G networks and to strengthen preventive measures. The recommendations are a combination of legislative and policy instruments meant to protect our economies, societies and democratic systems. With worldwide 5G revenues estimated at €225 billion in 2025, 5G is a key asset for Europe to compete in the global market and its cybersecurity is crucial for ensuring the strategic autonomy of the Union.
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FCA acts to help mortgage prisoners

29 March 2019

Mortgage customers who have previously been unable to switch mortgages despite being up-to-date with their payments (commonly known as mortgage prisoners), could soon be able to find a cheaper deal after the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) proposed changes to how lenders assess whether or not a customer can afford the loan. In the final report of its Mortgages Market Study the FCA confirmed its earlier findings that the mortgage market is working well in many respects but falls short of the FCA’s vision in some specific ways. The consultation on new lending rules forms part of a package of remedies designed to help the market work better.
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FCA fines UBS AG £27.6 million for transaction reporting failures

28 March 2019

UBS AG (UBS) has been fined £27,599,400 by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for failings relating to 135.8 million transaction reports between November 2007 and May 2017. Mark Steward, FCA Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight said: “Firms must have proper systems and controls to identify what transactions they have carried out, on what markets, at what price, in what quantity and with whom.  If firms cannot report their transactions accurately, fundamental risks arise, including the risk that market abuse may be hidden.”
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FCA puts the spotlight on debt management firms

27 March 2019

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published its second thematic review of the debt management sector, looking at commercial and not-for-profit firms that provide debt advice and administer debt management plans to help customers deal with their debts. The FCA’s first thematic review in 2015 found significant concerns with the quality of advice being given by commercial providers in particular. Today’s review shows that most customers are getting better advice and outcomes today than was previously the case.
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Merrill Lynch to Pay Over $8 Million for Improper Handling of ADRs

26 March 2019

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated will pay over $8 million to settle charges of improper handling of “pre-released” American Depositary Receipts (ADRs). ADRs – U.S. securities that represent foreign shares of a foreign company – require a corresponding number of foreign shares to be held in custody at a depositary bank.  The practice of “pre-release” allows ADRs to be issued without the deposit of foreign shares, provided brokers receiving them have an agreement with a depositary bank and the broker or its customer owns the number of foreign shares that corresponds to the number of shares the ADR represents.
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How to handle the ethical dilemmas caused by AI, Data Analytics and the Blockchain?

25 March 2019

by Geert Vermeulen

Since my visit to the World Economic Forum in 2018 I have been following the technological developments in IT and the medical sciences with great interest. These two industries have something important in common. The technological developments are progressing at an astonishing pace. Great benefits lie ahead of us. However, these same developments also trigger a whole lot of ethical dilemmas. Organizations struggle with them. They don’t know how to deal with these issues and as a result they ask for more legislation. So, I was thinking: Are new laws really the best answer to these ethical dilemmas? And who would be in a better position to facilitate this debate than the Ethics & Compliance Officers? I am going to let the developments in the medical industry rest for a future occasion and concentrate on the IT developments. In my view, we have recently witnessed a couple really exciting developments in this area, namely the rise of blockchain, data analytics and artificial intelligence.
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Appointment of Carolyn Rogers

24 March 2019

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision announced the appointment of Carolyn Rogers as its next Secretary General for an initial term of three years. Ms Rogers will also serve as the Chair of the Committee’s Policy Development Group. She has 20 years of executive management experience in the financial services industry, having worked in both the public and the private sector. Since mid-2016, Ms Rogers has been the Assistant Superintendent of Regulation at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) in Canada and also OSFI’s representative on the Basel Committee. Ms Rogers will assume her new responsibilities on 14 August 2019.

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