
FCA puts the spotlight on debt management firms

22 March 2019

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published its second thematic review of the debt management sector, looking at commercial and not-for-profit firms that provide debt advice and administer debt management plans to help customers deal with their debts. The FCA’s first thematic review in 2015 found significant concerns with the quality of advice being given by commercial providers in particular. Today’s review shows that most customers are getting better advice and outcomes today than was previously the case.
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ESMA report values EU Alternative Investment Funds at € 4.9 trillion

21 March 2019

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published its first statistical report on European Union (EU) Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). The study finds that the EU AIF sector in 2017, as measured by Net Asset Value (NAV), amounted to €4.9tn or nearly one third of the total EU fund industry. The report is based on data from 26,378 AIFs, or 80% of the market, and will be published annually.
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Greece: Economy Improves, Key Reforms Still Needed

20 March 2019

Greece has now entered a period of economic growth that puts it among the top performers in the eurozone. It must now persevere with efforts to address crisis legacies and pursue needed reforms to ensure continued success, says the IMF in its recent assessment of the country’s economy. As the IMF concludes its latest assessment on the state of the Greek economy, IMF Country Focus sat down with Peter Dohlman, IMF mission chief for Greece, to discuss the report’s findings, key recommendations, and the IMF’s relationship with Greece.
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A binary future? How digitalisation might change banking

19 March 2019

Andrea Enria, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, at the Banking Seminar organised by De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, started her speech by saying: In 1995, the inventor of Ethernet, Robert Metcalfe, boldly predicted, and I quote, “the internet will soon go spectacularly supernova and, in 1996, will catastrophically collapse”. It seems that technological progress is hard to predict, even for experts. More than twenty years later, I feel fairly safe in predicting that we face a binary future. We face a binary future in the sense that ones and zeros will play an ever bigger role in our lives. The world will become even more digital. The world of finance is no exception; banks, too, face a binary future – one, they adapt; zero, they perish. That said, it is hard to predict exactly how digitalisation will change the business of banking and the structure of the market.
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SEC Charges Registered Investment Adviser and Former Chief Operating Officer With Defrauding Client

18 March 2019

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Talimco LLC, a registered investment adviser, and Grant Gardner Rogers, the former chief operating officer of the firm, with manipulating the auction of a commercial real estate asset on behalf of one client for the benefit of another.  According to the SEC’s order, in or about April 2015 while selling a commercial real estate asset on behalf of a collateralized debt obligation client, Talimco and Rogers were aiming to acquire the asset for another client, a private fund. 

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European Agenda on Migration: More progress in the last 4 years than in the 20 previous ones

15 March 2019

College takes stock of progress made on the European Agenda on Migration and gives a Brexit update. Nexty to that they hold an orientation debate on EU-China relations: Commissioners held an orientation debate on the opportunities and challenges of EU-China relations in the run-up to the European Council of 21-22 March and the EU-China Summit on 9 April.
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FRC consults on stronger Going Concern standard for auditors

14 March 2019

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) proposes to increase the work required of auditors when assessing whether an entity is a going concern. The consultation on important revisions to International Standard on Auditing (ISA) (UK) 570 Going Concern  follows concerns about the quality and rigour of audit and well-publicised corporate failures where the auditor’s report failed to highlight concerns about the prospects of entities which collapsed shortly after as well as findings from recent FRC Enforcement cases.  In proposing these revisions, requirements on UK auditors will be significantly stronger than those required by international standards.
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Technology: large organisations losing to nimble start-ups

13 March 2019

Businesses must learn fast, act quickly and scale rapidly or risk irrelevance. As Airmic launches its conference Tech Hub, Jessica Titherington talks to Fujitsu’s Ketan Parekh about the latest technologies disrupting businesses and transforming risk management. The rapid pace of technological advancements today can seem exciting, unpredictable and daunting in equal measure. Developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are accelerating the convergence of physical and digital spaces, and in doing so they are completely changing the business landscape.
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Organisations should be doing more to achieve privacy accountability

12 March 2019

The Global Privacy Enforcement Network’s (GPEN) annual intelligence gathering operation looked at how well organisations have implemented the core concepts of accountability into their own internal privacy policies and programmes. The joint study, known as the ‘GPEN sweep’, is carried out by data protection regulators across the globe and this year looks at how they have taken responsibility for complying with data protection laws.
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General Administrative Act of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority

11 March 2019

General Administrative Act of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin) on the prohibition on establishing and increasing net short positions in shares of Wirecard AG. The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) issues the following: Establishing a net short position as well as increasing an existing net short position with reference to the shares of the company is prohibited.

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