
European banking union – the place to be?

29 May 2018

During the Biannual high-level networking seminar on economic and financial issues, organised by Danmarks Nationalbank, Copenhagen, Ms Sabine Lautenschläger, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank and Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank gave an interesting speech. You can read it on oue website.

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Central banking: trending and cycling

28 May 2018

Speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, at the Sveriges Riksbank’s 350th anniversary conference on “350 years of central banking: the past, the present and the future.” The Riksbank’s journey from public savings bank to modern central bank epitomises the central bank as an adaptive, learning and improving organisation. Often crisis spurs adaptation, as it did in 2008. The Riksbank’s evolution points to broad trends in central banking towards fiat money, public governance, centralised payments and a lender of last resort role. Mr Agustín Carstens: “I submit that these trends will persist”.
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EDPS welcomes agreement on new data protection rules for the EU institutions and bodies

25 May 2018
Knowledge Base

Today, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes fully applicable to all companies and organisations operating within the EU. The European Data Protection Supervisor welcomes the news that the EU legislator has now reached a political agreement on equivalent rules on data protection in the EU institutions and bodies and they will continue to support the EU institutions to ensure that they are ready to implement these rules from day one, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) said today.

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Europe watches on as Italy makes e-invoicing mandatory

25 May 2018

By Abigail Myers-Antiaye, Global Country Compliance Manager at Tungsten Network

As you may know, the Italian government is on the verge of making all B2B e-invoicing mandatory in an attempt to close its VAT gap. This decision could recover billions but also violates several terms of the EU VAT Directive, potentially pushing the EU to shift its policies. In addition, the Italian Government’s initiative could see a domino effect across Europe as other EU members follow suit.

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EBA consults on standards on estimation and identification of an economic downturn in IRB modelling

24 May 2018

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched two consultations on draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) specifying an economic downturn and on a set of Guidelines related to the estimation of loss given default (LGD) appropriate for conditions of an economic downturn. The draft RTS specify the nature, severity and duration of an economic downturn, while the Guidelines focus on the appropriate estimation of the LGD in a situation of economic downturn. This package is part of the EBA’s broader work on the review of the IRB approach aiming at reducing the unjustified variability in the outcomes of internal models, while preserving the risk sensitivity of capital requirements. The consultations run until 22 June 2018.
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Basel Committee issues capital treatment for simple, transparent and comparable short-term securitisations

23 May 2018

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued the Capital treatment for simple, transparent and comparable short-term securitisations. This standard supplements the Criteria for identifying simple, transparent and comparable short-term securitisations issued jointly with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
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FCA consults on new guidance on variation terms under unfair terms legislation

22 May 2018

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is consulting on new guidance outlining factors financial services firms should consider under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA) when drafting and reviewing variation terms in their consumer contracts. The CRA implements Council Directive 93/13/ECC on unfair terms in consumer contracts (the Directive).  
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“We have more muscle to enforce our goals”

21 May 2018

In her speech, Anneli Tuominen, Director General of Finland’s Financial Supervisory Authority and member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank, talks about the role national supervisors play in the European system, Nordea’s move to join the banks supervised by the ECB and tighter rules for mortgage loans in Finland. The largest Nordic bank, Nordea, recently decided to relocate its headquarters from Stockholm to Helsinki to be supervised under the umbrella of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). What does this mean for the SSM?
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Price convergence in the EU: What can we learn from the car market?

18 May 2018

The dispersion of prices between Member States of the European Union (EU) is a popular indicator of the economic integration of the internal market. Car prices in the EU converged from the 1990s until the year 2003, after which this development ceased. The remaining price dispersion between countries is systematically linked to product features, reflecting manufacturer pricing-to-market.

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Basel Committee issues capital treatment for simple, transparent and comparable short-term securitisations

17 May 2018

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued the Capital treatment for simple, transparent and comparable short-term securitisations. This standard supplements the Criteria for identifying simple, transparent and comparable short-term securitisations issued jointly with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
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