
The future of LIBOR

31 July 2017

LIBOR, or more precisely the London Interbank Offered Rate, has been given many column inches over the past ten years. Before the financial crisis, most people hadn’t heard of LIBOR, even though it is a key part of the functioning of financial markets. It grew up so to speak with the eurocurrency markets, and like a number of things that came to be a focus of attention in the financial crisis, before then it was largely taken for granted, part of the financial landscape.
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David Kemp about GDPR

15 July 2017
Knowledge Base

David Kemp contributes to business development in EMEA for Hewlett  Packard Enterprise Software. By profession he is a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales.  After external counsel experience, he spent ten years in Insurance Broking in London before joining ABN Amro Bank in 1990. With nineteen years there as a corporate banker and in-house counsel & compliance officer, he joined Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) effectively in March 2010. Currently he is using his experience to advance the GDPR programme of HPE, amongst other facilities.

FCA proposes new premium listing category for sovereign-controlled companies

14 July 2017

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has launched a consultation (attached) on proposals to create a new category within its premium listing regime to cater for companies controlled by a shareholder that is a sovereign country. In February this year the FCA launched a discussion paper (DP 17/2) ‘Review of the Effectiveness of Primary Markets’.  The paper discussed the role of listed primary markets as an important component of the broader capital markets landscape, and the structure of the UK listing regime in supporting that role.

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