Report on corresponding banking

13 July 2016

Five recommendations to help alleviate some of the costs and concerns affecting correspondent banking activities were set out in a report released today by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI). Until recently, banks have maintained a broad network of correspondent relationships, but there are growing indications that this situation might be changing. This implies a threat that cross-border payment networks might fragment and that the range of available options for these transactions could narrow.

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The Art of Conducting Third Party Due Diligence: The Unaoil Case

09 July 2016

by Geert Vermeulen

The Unaoil case shocked many anti-corruption professionals. An internal whistleblower, or at least somebody with access to a whole lot of inside information, decided to hand over the internal documents of Unaoil to a journalist. After 9 months of research the Huffington Post and Fairfax Media published a 3-part article on the internet under the title ‘The World’s Biggest Bribe’.  Continue reading…

Brexit – Airmic issues guidance to members

04 July 2016

Airmic sent top-level Brexit guidance to members EU within hours of the referendum result being known, commenting that the decision “must now surely feature on the list of principal risks for most organisations.”  Although the Leave vote is likely to affect the work of all types of member, whatever their title or role, the association believes that the challenges can be handled within a conventional risk management framework. Indeed, Brexit is an opportunity for members to step up to the plate and demonstrate their relevance and the scope of their skills.
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In defence of central banking

29 June 2016

by Jaime Caruana

The rebalancing of policies and improvements to frameworks carry high stakes for central banks. The past few years have confirmed how indispensable the institution has become. Independence, within their mandates, allowed central banks to act with determination to cope with the financial crisis. This determination was critical at the time for putting the global economy on the path to recovery.
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A Fraction Too Much Friction?

28 June 2016

by Adam Oldfield

‘Frictionless Banking’ is one of those industry terms that feels like it has already become a cliché. In reality, it has become a more important topic than ever. Over the last 36 months, the Financial Services industry appears to have reached a consensus on what the term actually means. Broadly speaking, frictionless banking once only referred to the streamlining of back office processes in order to deliver quicker turnarounds and reduce internal costs.

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UK’s Brexit vote to have wide repercussions, leads to change in economic and market scenarios

26 June 2016
Knowledge Base

by Christophe Donay

Results from the UK’s referendum on membership of the European Union (EU) indicate that voters have decided the UK should leave the EU. This result is likely to have wide political, economic and financial market repercussions, leading us to alter our economic and market forecasts and, potentially, our asset allocation. Continue reading…