Basel III monitoring results published by the Basel Committee

02 March 2016
Knowledge Base

The Basel Committee today published the results of its latest Basel III monitoring exercises. The Committee established a rigorous reporting process to regularly review the implications of the Basel III standards for banks and it has published the results of previous exercices since 2012. All large internationally active banks meet Basel III minimum and CET1 target capital requirements.
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FCA to publish scorecards

01 March 2016

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today announced that it will pilot the publication of general insurance ‘scorecards’ on a small number of products. The FCA will collect data from firms and publish it in an easily accessible format on its website. Any interested parties including consumer groups will be able to use the information to compare both products and firms.

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How to set up an analytics project to tackle fraud within a bank?

26 February 2016
Knowledge Base

by Andy Scherpenberg

More and more financial institutions are attempting to tackle the issue of fraud, which is taking on new forms and ever larger proportions at a rapid pace. Phishing has been replaced by aggressive ‘vishing’ (voice phishing), which has hoaxed corporates such as Michelin into transferring millions to ill-intentioned parties. The modus operandi has shifted from cyber thugs attempting site takeover to online fraudsters using unsuspecting mule accounts or organized collusions with people who hand over their accounts to be used as transfer accounts while levying a fee for the service.
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Vision for a bank’s risk management function in 2025

23 February 2016
Knowledge Base

by Philipp Härle, Andras Havas and Hamid Samadari

Banks have made dramatic changes to risk management in the past decade—and the pace of change shows no signs of slowing. Here are five initiatives to help them stay ahead. Risk management in banking has been transformed over the past decade, largely in response to regulations that emerged from the global financial crisis. But we believe it could be set to undergo even more sweeping change in the next decade. Indeed, while risk-operational processes such as credit administration today account for some 50 percent of the function’s staff, and analytics just 15 percent, by 2025 those figures could be around 25 percent and 40 percent respectively. Continue reading…

VimpelCom settlement

22 February 2016

International telecom provider VimpelCom and its subsidiary Silkway Holdings BV (hereinafter referred to as VimpelCom) have accepted a settlement offered by the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (DPPS) totaling 397,500,000 US dollars. VimpelCom is headquarted in Amsterdam. The DPPS accuses VimpelCom of the criminal offences bribery of government officials and inaccurate books and records. It concerns the period around the time of gaining access to the Uzbek telecom market and thereafter (from 2006 up to and including 2012).

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Advice firms demonstrate some good practice on due diligence but greater consistency needed

19 February 2016

Financial advice firms are seeking to achieve positive outcomes for their clients when it comes to undertaking research and due diligence, a thematic review by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has found. The firms in the review were generally able to demonstrate some good practice on the work they did to better understand the quality of the products and services they recommend. However, many firms did not show consistently good practice across all products and services and there is room for further improvement.
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