PA launches new solution for future-proofing talent

19 January 2016

PA Consulting Group has launched a new tool to help companies ensure their talent is fit for purpose, both now and in the future. Talent Gene is a suite of online tools based on extensive research with leading companies. It provides a unique multi-layered system that enables organisations to improve the way they manage the attraction, retention and development of talent.

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Basel Committee issues revised framework for market risk capital requirements

14 January 2016
Knowledge Base

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has today issued the revised minimum capital requirements for market risk as agreed by its oversight body – the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS). The revised market risk framework is a key component of the Basel Committee’s overall efforts to reform global regulatory standards in response to the global financial crisis. Continue reading…

Guide to the Insurance Act

08 January 2016

Airmic has produced its long-awaited guide to the Insurance Act, which is being sent to all members and partner organisations. The key message to risk managers is that it is up to them to take control of the buying process. The guide urges corporate insurance buyers to start preparing for the Act now, instead of waiting until August when it comes into force or for their brokers and underwriters to give them the necessary advice.

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Carin Gorter decided to withdraw

29 December 2015

Bas Brouwers will join Rabobank on 1 January 2016 as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The regulators have given their approval for the appointment. From 1 January 2016 Wiebe Draijer, chairman of the Executive Board, will take on the role of Chief Risk Officer (CRO) ad interim. Bert Bruggink, whose tasks as Chief Financial and Risk Officer (CFRO) are to be split, will step down as CFRO on 31 December 2015. He will continue to work for Rabobank in an advisory capacity to the Executive Board.

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Renewed governance of The Hague Security Delta

17 December 2015

As of 1 January 2016, Wim Kuijken will be appointed as independent Chairman of the Board of The Hague Security Delta Foundation. He will succeed Jozias van Aartsen, Mayor of The Hague. This fits the new governance of HSD and the further establishment of HSD as national security cluster with three important regions: Brabant, Twente and The Hague. The appointment marks the next phase in the development of HSD.

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