Young people and corruption

19 September 2015
Knowledge Base

by Evert-Jan Lammers

Last week Transparency International (TI) has announced its global Strategy 2020. One of the focal points of the strategy is “More prevention”. TI Greece’s representative was serious when he joked: “More prevention until 2020 is not enough for Greece. I need two generations to achieve real change.” He hit the nail on the head. A non-governmental organization better spends its time and money on the next generation than on the current one.

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Tony de Bree

Tony de Bree

Senior Management Consultant

What about Startups ?

16 September 2015

The period we are living in is more or less similar to the period between 1997-2002 when a number of experts at a number of large Financial Institutions and other specialists were looking at proposals of all kinds of .com start-ups. I would like to share with you some practical lessons learned from that period and from current experiences .

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Economic and Political Risk Evaluator assists companies in strategic decision-making

16 September 2015

Oxford Economics and Control Risks recently launched an innovative risk management enterprise that assists companies in their strategic decision-making. Economic and political risks are more interconnected than ever before. The strategic success of an organisation relies increasingly on its ability to anticipate and react to future shocks caused by this complex relationship between economics and politics.
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Vulnerabilities of emerging market economies take centre stage

14 September 2015

BIS (Bank for International Settlements) highlights the increased focus of investors on vulnerabilities in emerging market economies and the consequences for global markets. The BIS locational and consolidated banking statistics have been enhanced and expanded in a number of ways. Taken together, the enhancements enrich analysis of banks’ lending and funding and of their role in the transmission of shocks across countries.
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EU-US data protection “Umbrella agreement”

11 September 2015
Knowledge Base

The EU-US data protection “Umbrella agreement ” negotiations are finalised and the agreement has just been intitialled. It puts in place a comprehensive high-level data protection framework for EU-US law enforcement cooperation. The Agreement covers all personal data (for example names, addresses, criminal records) exchanged between the EU and the U.S. for the purpose of prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal offences, including terrorism.
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