Project Helvetia III – The Swiss National Bank’s pilot for wholesale CBDC

07 May 2024
Knowledge Base

by Thomas J. Jordan

It is a great pleasure to give you some insights into this pilot project of the Swiss National Bank. The pilot represents the world’s first issuance of a wholesale CBDC on a regulated third-party platform to settle commercial transactions with tokenised assets. Helvetia III is a good example of how learnings from BIS Innovation Hub projects can be leveraged for real world use. We started this work together with the Hub’s Swiss Centre and the private sector more than four years ago. In Helvetia I and II, we jointly expanded our understanding of wholesale CBDC and shared the findings with the central bank community. We took advantage of this groundwork to launch Helvetia III in December 2023, bringing Swiss franc wholesale CBDC from a test setting to real use. Continue reading…

From likes to leaks: How to safeguard your business’s social media accounts

06 May 2024
Knowledge Base

by Simon Yeoman

Social media for business. Crucial asset or Trojan Horse for cybersecurity threats? For a growing business, it’s both. From increasing brand awareness and targeting advertisements to boosting website traffic and conversion, an online presence can reap significant rewards for a brand. However, below the surface, all is not as it seems. Weak passwords, overshared personal details and even simple usernames can expose businesses to data breaches and leaks. And the rise of sophisticated deepfakes further increases this risk, enabling impersonation attacks that can have devastating effects. Continue reading…

Financial stability risks and the FSB’s work program

03 May 2024
Knowledge Base

by Klaas Knot

What was on our minds when we last met in December 2022? At that time, we had just seen the sharpest tightening of financial conditions since the 2008 global financial crisis. We had concerns about elevated debt levels and interconnectedness between banks and non-bank financial intermediaries amid high inflation and a deteriorating growth outlook. In this context, I emphasized that financial stability could not be taken for granted. So where are we today? Well, these concerns have not vanished; they continue to shape large parts of the FSB’s work. While inflation has somewhat eased, there is still some uncertainty about the persistence of inflation. What’s more, market valuations remain elevated. The tight spreads and low volatility in corporate bond markets are hard to square with rising defaults and upcoming higher refinancing costs. Similarly, equity valuations appear stretched.
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Artificial Intelligence: Humanity’s Sidekick in Tackling Financial Crime

02 May 2024
Knowledge Base

by Daoud Abdel Hadi

When AI entered the mainstream, it instilled a sense of panic in many people. It was seen as a threat that would replace humans across the working world. Given the speed at which AI is advancing, and the emergence of technologies such as ChatGPT, this fear may seem reasonable. But over time, we’ve started to see AI as a helpful tool, not a replacement for humans. And just like any other tool, it can be used for good or bad. As a result, the real threat AI poses is not mass redundancies. It’s the pace at which malicious actors have exploited it to commit crime. To respond effectively, financial institutions need to fight fire with fire, using AI to limit the ability of lawbreakers to get away with their crimes. In doing so, it’s essential to balance the analytical prowess of AI and the nuanced understanding of humans. So what does this collaboration look like? Continue reading…

Basel Committee: Consultation on guidelines for counterparty credit risk management

01 May 2024
Knowledge Base

Basel Committee has published a consultation on guidelines for counterparty credit risk management. The proposed guidelines include key practices critical to resolving long-standing industry weaknesses in counterparty credit risk management. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued a consultative document on guidelines for counterparty credit risk (CCR) management. The proposed guidelines will replace the Committee’s Sound practices for banks’ interactions with highly leveraged institutions published in January 1999. Continue reading…

Apple’s iPadOS under the Digital Markets Act

30 April 2024
Knowledge Base

The European Commission has designated Apple with respect to iPadOS, its operating system for tablets, as a gatekeeper under the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”). Apple now has six months to ensure full compliance of iPadOS with the DMA obligations. On 5 September 2023, the Commission designated Apple as a gatekeeper for its operating system iOS, its browser Safari and its App Store. On the same day, the Commission opened a market investigation to assess whether Apple’s iPadOS, despite not meeting the quantitative thresholds laid down in the DMA, constitutes an important gateway for business users to reach end users and therefore should be designated as a gatekeeper.
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Are the robots finally coming home?

29 April 2024
Knowledge Base

by Hans Timmerman

My first book in 1982 was about robots. About the robots entering the factory. How they could take over heavy and monotonous work in the factory as flexible, mechanical machines. Besides the interested companies for this industrial automation, the study also attracted the attention of journalists who were eager to hear when this type of robots would also start supporting us at home. At that time, however, the home robot was still a dream of the future. But with Apple’s announcement in recent weeks, it seems that future has come much closer. Over the past decades, robotic technology has become available in and around the home: robot mowers and vacuums that quietly and independently take over this boring work from us. Or the pet-like home robots like Amazon’s Astro, which can also watch over and guard the house when you’re away, or Sony’s robot dog Aibo. Finally, the serving robots that we see appearing in more and more hospitality establishments. The idea of robots in our homes and the service sector is not new. But with the advent of new AI speech capabilities, entirely new human communication and usage possibilities emerge. What can we expect in the coming years? Continue reading…

Nordea Economic Outlook for Nordic economies: Falling into place

26 April 2024

The world economy continues to show great resilience, and a soft landing seems increasingly likely. But strong labour markets pose a significant challenge for monetary policy as the natural interest rate is likely higher than previously assumed. In addition, the new geopolitical reality continues to pose a major risk to the growth and inflation outlook, says Helge Pedersen, Nordea Group Chief Economist. The Nordic economies are showing some divergence. Norway and Denmark are on solid footing, while Sweden is stabilising and expected to recover further when interest rates begin to fall. Economic growth has lost steam in Finland, which remains in a recession.
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EU-US hold fourth Joint Technology Competition Policy Dialogue

25 April 2024

The European Commission Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, US Federal Trade Commission (‘FTC’) Chair Lina Khan and the Assistant Attorney General of the US Department of Justice Antitrust Division (‘DOJ’) Jonathan Kanter met in Washington for the fourth meeting of the EU-US Joint Technology Competition Policy Dialogue (‘TCPD’). The purpose of the dialogue is to further strengthen the cooperation to ensure and promote fair competition in the digital economy. Continue reading…

‘Big Tech a priority’ says FCA Chief Executive

24 April 2024

In a speech recently delivered, the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Chief Executive Nikhil Rathi announced the regulator’s plans to examine how Big Tech firms’ unique access to large sets of data could unlock better products, more competitive prices and wider choice for consumers and businesses. The speech at a Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) event outlined Nikhil Rathi’s focus on Big Tech as Chair of the DRCF, as well as the FCA’s response to the Government’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI), also published recently.
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