Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

A silent masterstroke: The Berne Financial Services Agreement (1/2)

23 January 2024
Knowledge Base

After more than 2 years of negotiating, just a few days before Christmas, on 21 December 2023, Karin Keller-Sutter, the head of the Swiss Federal Department of Finance, and Jeremy Hunt, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, signed the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Mutual Recognition in Financial Services, also called the Berne Financial Services Agreement. According to both parties, the Agreement is unique in the world in the area of financial services in terms of scope – encompassing a broad range of financial services sectors – and also in terms of approach: a two-way, and not a one-way, equivalence recognition. It sends a strong signal for open and resilient financial markets, according to the Parties. The Agreement was borne out of a desire of both countries to establish a framework for mutual recognition of each other’s regulatory and supervisory frameworks applicable to certain financial services, while taking account of their respective constitutional, legal and regulatory systems. Parties want to achieve this (1) through the removal of obstacles to the provision of financial services and the reduction of regulatory frictions for cross-border activity, based on and safeguarded by mutual recognition as well as (2) close regulatory and supervisory cooperation. Continue reading…

45+ Stats About Big Tech’s Carbon Footprint (Part 1)

22 January 2024
Knowledge Base

by Tom Read

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the world has increasingly relied on technologies that emit greenhouse gasses. In the 20th century, economies shifted away from mechanical technologies and toward digital technologies that permeate nearly every industry and aspect of life. This large-scale adoption has caused greenhouse gas emissions to increase exponentially. These gasses have dangerously altered the Earth’s atmosphere, causing global temperatures to rise an average of more than 1C, and sea levels to rise 8-9 inches (21-24 cm). Continue reading…

The Inevitable Human Rights Anchor for Compliance Professionals in Finance

18 January 2024
Knowledge Base

by Simon Lelieveldt

We live in challenging times. A range of natural, macro-economic, technical and geopolitical factors influence the world we are living in. These developments shaped prior laws and the behaviour of regulators, supervisors and private companies and will continue to do so. Somewhere along the line, we can see a board member with the task to ensure adherence to law. He or she is responsible for compliance and has a range of compliance managers, advisors, business lines and experts available to help out. Continue reading…

EU banks’ liquidity coverage ratio declined but remains well above the minimum requirement

17 January 2024

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its report on liquidity measures, which monitors and evaluates the liquidity coverage requirements currently in place in the EU. Between June 2022 and June 2023, the EU banks’ liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) declined but remained comfortably above the minimum requirement. However, within this review period there were important fluctuations in the components of the ratio, driven mostly by changes in the banks’ allocation of funding deposits and the ongoing reduction of central bank liquidity. Unlike the LCR in domestic currency, EU banks’ LCR in foreign currencies remained below 100%.  Continue reading…

Data Act enters into force: What it means for you

16 January 2024
Knowledge Base

The EU’s Data Act has entered into force on 11 January, improving access to data in the EU market for individuals and businesses. In recent years, the Internet of Things has fuelled rapid growth in the amount of data out there. The new rules will encourage the use of data and ensure it is shared, stored and processed in full respect of European rules.  Continue reading…

Banks remain robust but higher interest rates could impact their asset quality, the EBA finds

15 January 2024

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has recently published its Q3 2023 quarterly Risk Dashboard (RDB) together with the Risk Assessment Questionnaire (RAQ). The publication also includes information on minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL). EU/EEA’s banks remained highly profitable, well capitalised and maintained robust liquidity. Banks expect the asset quality to deteriorate as higher interest rates affect borrowers. Continue reading…

Compliance in a turbulent world

12 January 2024
Knowledge Base

by Massimo Balducci

In the ‘90s of the past century the syncopation glocal (global and local) was very popular as the challenge of that time was to be able to frame one’s everyday decisions in the flow of world’s events, the motto being ‘think global act local’. When looking at the Ukrainian war and the strengthening of international alliances, is this motto still worth while? At the opening of the new year  2024 I would like to share this question with the partners of the platform risk & compliance. My reasoning leads me to believe that not only success but even the very survival will depend more and more on the ability of framing oneself in the world scenario at large, whereas compliance is called upon to play a key role especially in the EU and its forthcoming developments. Continue reading…

Macroprudential policies can mitigate the financial-stability risks of housing markets

09 January 2024

Macroprudential policies can significantly mitigate the financial risks associated with boom-bust cycles in the housing market, according to a report released recently by the Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS). In the report, the CGFS – a central bank forum for assessing risks to financial stability, hosted by the Bank for International Settlements – distils four key lessons for policymakers from experiences in 14 jurisdictions. Continue reading…