Joachim Nagel: Ensuring the supply of cash, including in times of crisis

03 July 2023
Knowledge Base

Dr. Joachim Nagel, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, delivered a welcome message at the 2023 symposium “Ensuring the supply of cash – including in times of crisis” in Berlin, Germany. Ladies and gentlemen, a very warm welcome to our symposium. I’m glad you could make it! As the world around us becomes increasingly digital, it’s often the case that payment instruments other than cash, like cards, smartphones and online payments, grab all the attention. That’s why some regard cash as outdated – just as bicycles were considered old-fashioned when cars and motorcycles became more widespread, or printed books in the era of e-books. But the truth of the matter is that cash continues to be fairly popular here in Germany. In terms of transaction numbers, cash remains the most widely used means of payment at the point of sale, as our latest payment behaviour study shows.  Continue reading…

Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

Group insurance contracts and unfair terms: the group policyholder center stage

29 June 2023
Knowledge Base

Recently, on 20 April 2023, the European Court of Justice delivered a judgment in the area of unfair terms in consumer contracts, in casu a group insurance contract. A month later the Commission proposed its Retail Investment Strategy (RIS). Case C-263/22 merits attention, not only because it highlights the obligations of group policyholders but also because the RIS contains provisions which streamline the pre- and post-contractual disclosures. The Portuguese supreme court asked for a preliminary ruling on a case brought before them between a Portuguese life insurer, Ocidental-Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida SA (“Ocidental”) and a retail consumer, LP. The case concerned the refusal by Ocidental to make loan repayments following the permanent invalidity of LP. LP and her spouse entered into a loan agreement with Banco de Investimento Imobiliário SA (“the bank”) and by doing so, they became party to a group insurance contract (“the insurance contract”), agreed between the bank and Ocidental. LP was the insured person. The insurance contract was a payment protection insurance contract, under which Ocidental would be required to make the loan repayments in the event of LP’s permanent incapacity. The policyholder was the bank. The reason was the alleged nullity or inapplicability of the insurance contract between Ocidental and the bank to which LP became a party. Continue reading…

Project Rosalind develops a prototype application programming interface layer for retail CBDC systems

27 June 2023

Project Rosalind has demonstrated that a well designed API layer could work with different private sector applications and central bank ledger designs and that a set of simple and standardised API functionalities could support a diverse range of use cases. The completed initiative, a joint experiment run by the BIS Innovation Hub London Centre and the Bank of England around central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), developed 33 API functionalities and explored more than 30 retail CBDC use cases. These use cases covered a broad range of domains for individuals and businesses, such as peer-to-peer transfers, retail payments for goods and services and small-value business transactions. Continue reading…

ESAs consult on the first batch of DORA policy products

26 June 2023

The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) have launched a public consultation on the first batch of policy products under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). This includes four draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) and one set of draft implementing technical standards (ITS). These technical standards aim to ensure a consistent and harmonised legal framework in the areas of ICT risk management, major ICT-related incident reporting and ICT third-party risk management. The consultation runs until 11 September 2023. Continue reading…

Luigi Federico Signorini: Risks from inflation and opportunities from fragmentation

23 June 2023
Knowledge Base

Mr Luigi Federico Signorini, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Italy, recently gave a speech at the Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar, Round table on “Risks from inflation and opportunities from fragmentation” at Monte Porzio Catone, Rome. After the Second World War, multilateral institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation (as it is now called), have provided a framework in which a rule-based system of international cooperation has flourished, though initially only in our part of the world. A similar framework for cooperation in other key fields has been provided by the WHO and other institutions. Continue reading…

FCA introduces tough new rules for marketing cryptoassets

22 June 2023

Those marketing cryptoassets to UK consumers will need to introduce a cooling-off period for first time investors from 8 October 2023, under new advertising rules announced by the FCA. As part of a package of measures designed to ensure those who buy crypto understand the risk, ‘refer a friend’ bonuses will also be banned. The new rules mean crypto firms must ensure that people have the appropriate knowledge and experience to invest in crypto. Those promoting crypto must also put in place clear risk warnings and ensure adverts are clear, fair and not misleading. The FCA’s rules follow government legislation to bring crypto promotions into the regulator’s remit. 

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Christine Lagarde about inflation

21 June 2023
Knowledge Base

Inflation has been coming down, with the latest data showing a broad-based decline. But it is still projected to remain too high for too long. In our latest projections, Eurosystem staff expect headline inflation to average 5.4% in 2023, 3.0% in 2024 and 2.2% in 2025. Staff have also revised up their projections for core inflation, which they now see reaching 5.1% in 2023, before it declines to 3.0% in 2024 and 2.3% in 2025. This revision is due to past upward surprises in inflation and the implications of the robust labour market for the speed of disinflation. Specifically, we expect both wages and employment to continue growing strongly over the projection horizon, while output growth will be weaker this year and next. In this context, labour productivity growth will be lower and rising unit labour costs are likely to put upward pressure on inflation. Continue reading…

Online application of the right to be forgotten and new EU data regulation

19 June 2023
Knowledge Base

by František Nonnemann & Vladan Rámiš

The right to be forgotten (right to erasure) is one of the well-known, and somewhat feared, legal institutes introduced by GDPR. On the other hand, the right to erasure is not absolute. It does not always apply and must be balanced against the interests and rights of other persons. However, this does not mean that the scope of the right to erasure is clear in practice and does not raise several issues and uncertainties. How should a data controller, especially an internet search engine, proceed if a data subject objects that the data displayed or otherwise processed is untrue? Misleading, offensive, factually incorrect? The search engine operator usually acts as the controller of the personal data it displays, but it is not the one who has placed the data on the Internet. It therefore has no other information how to assesses the accuracy of the data which has been published on the source page. Continue reading…

BIS concludes Project Aurora, a proof of concept based on the use of data, technology and collaboration to combat money laundering across institutions and borders

16 June 2023
Knowledge Base

The BIS Innovation Hub’s Nordic Centre has successfully concluded Project Aurora, a proof of concept that explores new ways of combating money laundering with a combination of payments data, privacy-enhancing technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) and enhanced cooperation across institutions and borders. According to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), almost all large money laundering schemes are cross-border and involve different business sectors. Meanwhile, financial institutions often face limitations in detecting potential suspicious networks and transactions due to their reliance on fragmented data and systems. Continue reading…

Actions to combat online piracy of sports and other live events

15 June 2023
Knowledge Base

A few weeks ago, the Commission adopted a Recommendation on how to combat commercial scale online piracy of sports and other live events, such as concerts and theatre performances. It encourages Member States, national authorities, holders of rights and providers of intermediary services to take effective, balanced and appropriate measures to fight unauthorised retransmissions of such streamings, in full compliance with fundamental rights and personal data protection rules. By stepping up the fight against online piracy, the Recommendation will contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the EU sport and creative industries.
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