FCA sets out potential interventions to reform multi-occupancy buildings insurance market

27 September 2022
Knowledge Base

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has on 21 September set out a range of recommendations and other potential remedies designed to give leaseholders greater protections from high prices and ensure the buildings insurance market operates better for leaseholders. Since the Grenfell tragedy leaseholders have been faced with substantially increased costs of insurance. In light of this, the FCA was asked to carry out a review into the market for multiple-occupancy residential buildings insurance and explore ways to provide better value cover for leaseholders.  Continue reading…

Why Voice Recording is Important in Compliance Monitoring for the Finance Industry

26 September 2022
Knowledge Base

by Nigel Cannings

Financial Institutions that fall foul of compliance regulations were fined $2.7 billion in 2021 globally, according to Forbes. This included violations of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) rules, Know Your Customer (KYC) checks and operating guidelines. As financial regulation increases to ensure the safety and security of the financial system and to protect consumers, financial institutions must consider how they can best protect themselves from compliance-related fines. Continue reading…

Equipping Europe with a robust toolbox to preserve free movement and availability of relevant goods and services

23 September 2022
Knowledge Base

On 19 September, the Commission is presenting the new Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI). This crisis governance framework aims to preserve the free movement of goods, services and persons and the availability of essential goods and services in the event of future emergencies, to the benefit of citizens and businesses across the EU. While the Single Market has proven to be our best asset in crisis management, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted structural shortcomings hampering the EU’s ability to effectively respond to emergency situations in a coordinated manner. Unilateral measures caused fragmentation, worsening the crisis and affecting particularly SMEs. Continue reading…

ESAs warn of rising risks amid a deteriorating economic outlook

20 September 2022

The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) have on 12 September issued their Autumn 2022 joint risk report. The report highlights that the deteriorating economic outlook, high inflation and rising energy prices have increased vulnerabilities across the financial sectors. The ESAs advise national supervisors, financial institutions and market participants to prepare for challenges ahead. Continue reading…

CPMI and IOSCO publish a report on access to central clearing and portability

19 September 2022

The Bank for International Settlements’ Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) have on 8 September published the report Client clearing: access and portability, which aims to increase common understanding of new access models that enable clients to directly access CCP services, and of effective porting, or transferring, practices for their positions. The client clearing process facilitates access to CCPs, particularly for firms – known as ‘clients’ – that are not direct participants in a CCP and must rely on intermediaries to indirectly clear their trades. Since some entities cannot, or choose not to, directly participate in a CCP, improving access to client clearing is critical to the success of the G20’s objective to have all standardised over-the-counter derivatives contracts cleared through CCPs. Continue reading…

Takedown of online investment fraud responsible for losses of several million euros

17 September 2022

With the support of Eurojust, authorities in Finland, Germany, Belgium and Latvia have succeeded in striking a blow against the operators of various fraudulent online investment platforms that have defrauded victims from 11 different countries out of several million euros. During an action day, two suspects were arrested and 12 locations were searched. According to the investigation, victims were directed to seemingly reputable online trading platforms in search of offers for lucrative investments. Through these platforms, they were promised enormous profits in a short time by trading in cryptocurrency, foreign exchange or shares. Continue reading…

European Commission endorses the Netherlands’ €4.7 billion recovery and resilience plan

15 September 2022

The European Commission has on 8 September given a positive assessment of the Netherlands’ recovery and resilience plan. This is a key step paving the way for the EU to disburse €4.7 billion in grants to the Netherlands under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). This financing will support the implementation of the crucial investment and reform measures outlined in the Netherlands’ recovery and resilience plan. It will play a crucial role in enabling the Netherlands to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic. The RRF is the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU, which will provide up to €800 billion (in current prices) to support investments and reforms across the EU. The Netherlands’ plan forms part of an unprecedented, coordinated EU response to the COVID-19 crisis, to address common European challenges by embracing the green and digital transitions, to strengthen economic and social resilience and the cohesion of the Single Market. Continue reading…

Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

Finally, a new European mutual sees the light

14 September 2022

Years ago, in 2013, when the Commission consulted on its Green Paper on the insurance of natural and man-made disasters, I pointed already to the potential creation of mutual insurers as part of a solution: “One important way to guarantee availability and coverage is the diversity and resilience of the insurance sector. Consumers insured by an insurance sector uniquely composed of large groups moving capital and business to where the best ROE is to be found may be at risk if returns are not at the desired level. Can it be argued that insurers which do not have an ROE as corporate finality could be a welcome buffer between the return-focused insurance market on the one hand and the government as solution of last resort on the other hand, at the cross-road between long term solidarity and short-term market demanded profit?“ The discussions on catnat have come even more to the forefront since then, joined by other and increasing protection gaps. In the area of cyberinsurance, for example, the industry has been crying for capacity. Time to dust off the image of mutual insurance? 

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Disinformation: New EU regulation may force Member States like the Czech Republic to act (Part II)

13 September 2022
Knowledge Base

by Michal Pleticha

The Czech Republic is at a crossroad in deciding how to regulate disinformation. In order to adopt the Strategy to Combat Disinformation (see Part I.), it’s necessary for the Government to draft and push a large number of amendments through both chambers of the Czech Parliament and the Presidential Office. Since disinformation is a sensitive political subject, capable of deepening the current split in politics and society, it could be the beginning of fierce political battle. Continue reading…

Three examples where whistleblowing could have made a difference

12 September 2022
Knowledge Base

by Daniel Vaknine

Although whistleblowing is often represented as huge scandals in the media or on TV, it is often not quite as dramatic in reality. The majority of whistleblower cases are handled internally and concern the incorrect treatment of employees or negative working conditions. However, there have been huge scandals that have occurred at very large corporate companies. Scandals that could have been prevented with the help of whistleblowing. In this post, we therefore take a closer look at 3 occasions that whistleblowing could have made a difference. Continue reading…