We at the Risk & Compliance Platform Europe, as a cross-border independent journalism platform, deal with all kinds of topics in the field of risk & compliance, not only for the Financial Services Industry, but also for corporates and organizations in the (semi) public sector.
In addition to Romanian, we already have the following languages, each with their own specific language-related content, but operating under the European wings from the head office in the Netherlands. The perspective of the platform is, as said, the language and not the countries with their borders. At the moment we have besides the newly launched Romanian, also Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Polish languages. Worth mentioning is, that during the course of this year we are also adding Ukrainian as a language to our platform. And after that a few more will follow.
The responsibility for the content in Romanian and the management of the independent editorial staff is Iuliana Panaitescu, an experienced audit and economics expert and she and her husband have an international network.
If you have any comments and / or suggestions for the editor, do not hesitate to send an e-mail to Iuliana via iuliana@riskcompliance.ro and she will respond.
It goes without saying that we have our commercial department in Bucharest, that is led by Claudiu Popa and his team. They can be reached via sales@riskcompliance.ro
Please, if you have any feedback let us know. We are also open to your suggestions for improvement. As an independent platform, we are not bound to specific parties and / or organizations and we can therefore assess all requests for cooperation without any advantage.