Coal, climate change and capital – Part II

25 September 2020
Knowledge Base

by Lieve Lowet

This is the second part in a series of three articles written by me, which focuses on coal, climate change and capital. 

The recent findings of the Coal Policy Tool of Reclaim Finance reveal that indeed, as Sweeney said, managing climate-related risk remains a novel process for many. If insurers and reinsurers want to be part of the solution, more serious action is required beyond divestments and a few pioneers. If a sector is not insurable, it is not bankable. And if it is not bankable, most coal projects cannot be financed and built. The Indian Adani Group’s Carmichael Australian coal mine controversy is a warning. Whereas the European insurers and reinsurers are roughly and broadly speaking ahead of their American, Korean or Japanese counterpart across the five criteria Reclaim Finance examined in underwriting, and the best practice case is a large European insurer, there is still a lot of work to be done by insurers and reinsurers alike to reduce capacity meaningfully and to avoid the liability risk. Continue reading…



Risk in Focus 2021: Covid-19 changes the risk profile of the organisation

24 September 2020

Let it be known, Covid-19 has serious consequences for the risk profiles of many organisations and therefore also for the audit plans for 2021. It is therefore not surprising that “Disasters and Crisis responses” has entered new and high in the top 10 hot topics for internal audit. This list of hot topics is included annually in IIA’s Risk in Focus report. Every year, the European Institutes of Internal Auditors join forces to assess the risks Chief Audit Executives foresee for the following calendar year. As the results of the report reveal, for the third year in a row, cybersecurity risks remain at the top. Macroeconomic and geopolitical risks were up 29 percent from last year. The importance of resilience and adaptability is clear from the report. The results of the report are also very valuable for organisations that have to prepare the audit plans for 2021 and it provides a good overview of the challenges ahead in the coming year. As a visitor to the Risk & Compliance Platform Europe, you can download the new Risk in Focus report for free.

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Coal, climate change and capital – Part I

23 September 2020
Knowledge Base

by Lieve Lowet

This blog is the first of a series of three articles written by me about coal, climate change and capital. The articles will be published on three consecutive days. 

When I googled “how relevant is coal for climate change”, the first answer which popped up was “coal is the single biggest contributor to anthropogenic climate change. The burning of coal is responsible for 46% of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide and accounts for 72% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the electricity sector.” Phasing out coal from the electricity sector is the single most important step to get in line with the 1.5°C reduction target as laid down in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. In that context, do insurers and reinsurers want to be part of the problem or part of the solution? Continue reading…

Photo: Christopher Woolard of the FCA. Photographed at the FCA. Canary Wharf. 7/10/15

Christopher Woolard asks himself: “What kind of regulations do we want?”

22 September 2020
Knowledge Base

Watching speeches is an unusual experience when we’re limited to communicating virtually. It is strange to give them in this way, too. Especially as in this case it is my last opportunity before I step down as interim chief executive of the FCA. But the next few minutes do allow me to take stock and also offer some brief thoughts on the future of regulation. First of all, what lessons can we take from Covid-19 so far? In terms of society, technology and the manner in which we regulate?

Second, how the FCA itself might change to meet some of these challenges, and what constants may remain? And third, given the backdrop of the UK’s exit from the EU, what’s the kind of regulation we need?

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Markets rose despite subdued economic recovery: BIS Quarterly Review

21 September 2020
Knowledge Base

Financial markets largely recovered from March’s acute stress, according to the third BIS Quarterly Review1 of 2020.This was supported by both monetary and fiscal policy, and investor sentiment arising from better than expected economic indicators in the initial aftermath of the lockdown phase of the pandemic. However, the Review indicates that the economy’s upturn has been uneven and corporate balance sheets remain fragile. The associated concern of stretched valuations being disconnected from underlying economic prospects, most notably in some segments of the equity and corporate credit markets, has since been reflected in the recent stock market sell-off.  Continue reading…

Yves Mersch: Supervisory action in times of crisis and the limits of the ECB’s prudential mandate

18 September 2020
Knowledge Base

Mr. Yves Mersch, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank and Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank, recently gave a speech at the Eurofi Financial Forum, Berlin on 11 September 2020. He reflected on two issues: our role in the extraordinary measures taken to keep economies afloat since the outbreak of the current crisis, and the limits of the ECB’s prudential mandate. The pandemic has dealt an unprecedented peacetime blow to the European economy. In spring, a great number of our businesses went into full lockdown. Crucially, however, banks in the euro area were able to offer vital support. To this end, ECB Banking Supervision provided far-reaching capital and operational relief, making record levels of lending possible during this exceptional time. Continue reading…

Elina Karpacheva

Elina Karpacheva

Chair of the European Compliance Centre based in Sofia, Bulgaria

How to choose an AML / KYC service provider (especially if your business has just started)?

15 September 2020
Knowledge Base

According to Reuters, since 2009, regulators have sanctioned companies operating in the financial sector with more than $ 342 billion for their failures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. As such harsh sanctions may easily ruin the business of even a very promising Fintech company, many should consider to hire a KYC/AML provider. They, however, should do so wisely. There are many AML / KYC products on the market worldwide, making money laundering prevention a profitable industry. Choosing the right service provider for your business is a complex and responsible endeavour. The goal of this article is to help companies structure the vendor search process, formulate the right questions for the request for proposal and advise on how to reduce compliance risks when outsourcing AML/CTF processes.

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Coronavirus: Commission proposes more clarity and predictability of any measures restricting free movement in the European Union

14 September 2020
Knowledge Base

The Commission has recently adopted a proposal for a Council Recommendation to ensure that any measures taken by Member States that restrict free movement due to the coronavirus pandemic are coordinated and clearly communicated at the EU level. The Commission’s proposal sets out four key areas where Member States should work closer together:

Common criteria and thresholds for Member States when deciding whether to introduce travel restrictions; Mapping of common criteria using an agreed colour code; A common framework for measures applied to travellers from high-risk areas; Clear and timely information to the public about any restrictions.

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Christine Lagarde about the recovery of the euro area economy from the Covid-19 pandemic

11 September 2020
Knowledge Base

Ms. Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank and Mr. Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the European Central Bank recently gave a speech at an ECB press conference at Frankfurt am Main on 10 September. We will now report on the outcome of today’s meeting of the Governing Council, which was also attended by the Commission Executive Vice-President, Mr Dombrovskis. The incoming data since our last monetary policy meeting in July suggest a strong rebound in activity broadly in line with previous expectations, although the level of activity remains well below the levels prevailing before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Continue reading…

ING Italy resumes onboarding of new customers

10 September 2020
Knowledge Base

The Banca d’Italia announced today that the ban on onboarding new customers at ING Italy, imposed in March 2019 has been removed. The decision follows the comprehensive steps undertaken by ING Italy to strengthen its processes and management of KYC compliance risks. Following an inspection by the Banca d’Italia, which had identified shortcomings in AML processes, in March 2019 ING Italy was banned from taking on new customers. Existing customers in Italy have continued to be fully served throughout the period.  Continue reading…