by Ahsan Habib
Canada has become a well-known target, even a magnet, for money laundering. Ironically once a Canadian has the legal right of ownership, the law firmly protects that right. For that reason laundered money in Canada is much more valuable than dirty money elsewhere. And that is why money launderers are ready to pay well over asking for high-priced real estate, where multimillion-dollar blocks of cash can be cleansed in a single deal. The defining issue of our times must be who will stop these criminal predators from selling opioid, laundering the proceeds, buying up real estate and violating every conceivable aspect of Canadian sovereignty and the Criminal Code. Let’s go deeper into the ‘Rabbit Hole’….. Continue reading…
This cahier provides an overview of the freedom of establishment, one of the four freedoms central to the European Union’s single market. The book first …
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