How the EU AI Act will impact financial institutions

19 August 2024
Knowledge Base

by David Salloum

The EU AI Act, which came into force on 1 August 2024, is a significant legislative development for financial institutions (FIs). With provisions starting to apply over a period of six to 36 months, most of the Act’s rules will be enforceable after two years. And it has major implications, especially for FIs using high-risk AI systems like credit scoring models and risk assessment tools. AI’s potential in trade finance, risk management and in the fight against financial crime is vast. However, effective regulation is needed to ensure trust and safeguard fundamental rights. The EU AI Act is a key step in this direction, ensuring AI evolves safely and ethically.  Continue reading…

The single constant that unites our industry: Worry

16 August 2024
Knowledge Base

by Paul White

There’s much that divides our industry. We’re competitors. We’re customers and providers. We’re based across the country. We’re businesses of different sizes. We’re leaders and followers. But there’s one powerful emotion that unites us all: worry. Like Atlas, we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. Although in the case of trust and corporate services, it’s the weight of regulations and the worry that we’ll fall foul of them. Which can lead to fines, client loss, reputational damage and even personal liability.   Continue reading…

BIS international banking statistics and global liquidity indicators at end-March 2024

15 August 2024

Banks’ global cross-border claims increased by $1.1 trillion during Q1 2024, driven by bank credit (ie loans and holdings of debt securities). Outstanding claims reached $39.6 trillion, up 5% year-on-year (yoy). Bank credit to advanced economies (AEs) increased the most (+6% yoy), driven by credit to non-banks. Credit to emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) grew by 2%, supported by strong lending in Chinese renminbi. The BIS global liquidity indicators (GLIs) show that the growth in dollar-denominated foreign currency credit to non-banks in EMDEs turned positive (1%) for the first time in nearly two years. The role of bond financing in dollar and euro credit continued to increase.

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Will the ‘Cyber Games’ steal the spotlight at the Olympics?

14 August 2024
Knowledge Base

by Nadir Izrael

The 2024 Paris Olympics promises to be a spectacle of athletic prowess and global unity. Millions of fans will travel to France or be glued to their screens to witness the Olympics this Summer. In fact, it’s expected that one billion people around the world1 will watch the opening ceremony alone. Despite the excitement, however, a growing threat to the Games lurks in the shadows: cyberwarfare. It’s a growing fear of many, with 53% of global IT decision-makers2 concerned about its impact. In the context of the Olympics, the director general of ANSSI, France’s cybersecurity agency3, believes, “The Games are facing an unprecedented level of threat.” A large part of that threat is cyberwarfare. Continue reading…

Alleged large-scale coin forger arrested in Kosovo due to Eurojust support

13 August 2024

With support provided via the Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project, hosted by Eurojust, an alleged large-scale coin forger has been arrested in Kosovo*. The arrested person is an employee of the North-Macedonian Ministry of the Interior and is suspected of producing around 2 million fake EUR 2 coins, which were about to be circulated into the Kosovar economy. Continue reading…

Eurojust supports searches into bribery and money laundering

08 August 2024

Investigations into corruption, trading and the influencing and bribery of foreign public officials have led to 15 searches across France, Spain and the Netherlands. A multinational company is being investigated for possible corruption and money laundering involving civilian and military equipment. French authorities have started multiple investigations into the company. 

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European Artificial Intelligence Act comes into force

06 August 2024
Knowledge Base

On 1 August, the European Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), the world’s first comprehensive regulation on artificial intelligence, entered into force. The AI Act is designed to ensure that AI developed and used in the EU is trustworthy, with safeguards to protect people’s fundamental rights. The regulation aims to establish a harmonised internal market for AI in the EU, encouraging the uptake of this technology and creating a supportive environment for innovation and investment. Continue reading…