Small States and EU Governance
Jean Micallef GrimaudRelease date:2 October 2017
Price:€ 97,71
The presentation of the annual results 2017 will take place on Thursday 15 February 2018 during a press conference at De Meentboerderij, Melkmeent 9 in Hilversum. The press conference starts at 10.00. You can sign up via of +31 (0)30-2162758.
Rabobank CEO Wiebe Draijer and CFO Bas Brouwers will also explain the developments in the financial sector. Journalists are cordially invited to attend the press conference and to ask questions afterwards. The press release and the annual figures will be published on at 7.30 am. The press conference can be viewed from 12.30 pm via this website.
At a media webinar, 09.00 AM CET, Wiebe Draijer and Bas Brouwers will present the interim results and discuss current developments in the financial sector. In addition Rabobank will host an English webinar for analysts and institutional investors at 2.00 PM CET.
An in-depth guide to global and risk finance based on financial models and data-based issues that confront global financial managers. Globalization, Gating, and Risk Finance …
The trial of Dharam Prakash Gopee concluded today at Southwark Crown Court with the jury returning a guilty verdict to the charges brought by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for offences under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Mr Gopee described himself as “a lender of last resort” and engaged with consumers who were often vulnerable and in difficult circumstances. He regularly registered charges over the homes of borrowers to enable him to take possession of a property if the borrower failed to pay the debt.
JPMorgan Chase announced that it’s giving pay raises to 22,000 US employees who work in its branches and customer service centers as part of a $20 billion investment in the business that’s connected to the company’s tax windfall.
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An interesting speech by Mr Stefan Ingves, Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, at the Institute for Law and Finance about Basel III. The answer to the question if we are done with Basel III, his answer is: ‘yes, we are done, but that doesn’t mean the work has ended. In some respects, it’s only just beginning. While finalising Basel III was an important milestone, work remains to (i) implement Basel III nationally in a full, timely and consistent manner; (ii) evaluate its effectiveness in reducing the excessive variability of risk-weighted assets (RWAs); and (iii) continue to monitor and assess emerging risks. My remarks this morning will focus on these three topics.’
Authorities must be prepared to act against the invasive spread of cryptocurrencies to protect consumers and investors, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) General Manager Agustín Carstens said. In a lecture “Money in the digital age: what role for central banks?”, Mr Carstens said that for money to keep its value, it must be backed by accountable institutions which enjoy public trust. Here, central banks are key.
Benoît Cœuré, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, gave a speech about the macroeconomic stabilisation in the euro area. He says that there’s broad agreement that without our unprecedented actions, the euro area would have fared far worse. Even more people would have lost their jobs, and wages and prices would have stagnated for much longer, or would even have fallen. Although our actions were bold and unparalleled, we acted within our mandate, as confirmed by the European Court of Justice.
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Bennink & Amar Advocaten (B&A Law), who set up the first and only Dutch law firm fully specialised in economic sanctions and export controls, has joined forces with the best regulatory and criminal enforcement law firm of the Netherlands, Wladimiroff Advocaten N.V. Wladimiroff is fully responsible for the economic sanctions and export controls practice, under practically the same conditions as B&A Law. This makes it possible to provide even stronger enforcement practice in relation to sanctions and export controls. B&A Law have already successfully worked on several enforcement cases with Wladimiroff. At the same time, B&A Law practice adds a completely new dimension to that of Wladimiroff.
In October 2016 the International Standards Organisation issued the ISO 37001, a new standard that organisations and companies can use to certify their anti-bribery and corruption compliance procedures. The ISO 37001 was agreed by standards bodies in 37 countries and it is already being promoted by many countries across the world. Peru became the first Latin American country to implement the standard. One reason given for this is that in 2015 the country lost nearly $4 billion because of misappropriation of public funds, bribery and other types of corruption. The government of Montreal in Canada has appointed someone to analyse and propose how to apply the principles of the ISO 37001 to the city. Earlier, Singapore’s Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) launched the Singapore Standard, which is based on the ISO 37001. The standard has also been widely adopted in the Middle East and North Africa. Colin Keeney of Deloitte notes that six of the 37 countries involved in crafting the standard came from this region.
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The EIB, the European Union’s bank, is seeking to recruit for its Group Risk & Compliance Directorate – Regulation and EIB Group Risk Department –…
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The book introduces the key elements contributing to entrepreneurial vitality and sustainability in the medium and long term with a specific focus on digital transformation….
This book examines a crucial question about small states and their governments’ influence in the European Union (EU) decision-making processes. – Are EU small member …
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