Supplier Engagement – The key to reducing your Reputational Risk
Brand reputation has never been more important in influencing consumer and stakeholder decisions. At the same time, brand image can alter extremely quickly thanks to the increasingly instant nature of the media and the profile of public opinion. Witness the impact of the negative media attention on Marks and Spencer’s and their Turkish supply chain using Syrian refugees in their factories or the consumer backlash on grocery brands when suppliers’ use of forced labour on fishing boats came to light. A brand’s reputation now depends not only on the practices of their own organization, but of their entire supply chain. Effective supplier engagement is essential in order to position your organization as an ethical and responsible business and maintain stakeholder trust – but the key enabler to this is to first build transparency and visibility through due diligence and ongoing risk monitoring. Continue reading…
In 1688, essayist Josef de la Vega described finance as both “the fairest and most deceitful business . . . the noblest and the most …
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