Group insurance contracts and unfair terms: the group policyholder center stage
Recently, on 20 April 2023, the European Court of Justice delivered a judgment in the area of unfair terms in consumer contracts, in casu a group insurance contract. A month later the Commission proposed its Retail Investment Strategy (RIS). Case C-263/22 merits attention, not only because it highlights the obligations of group policyholders but also because the RIS contains provisions which streamline the pre- and post-contractual disclosures. The Portuguese supreme court asked for a preliminary ruling on a case brought before them between a Portuguese life insurer, Ocidental-Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida SA (“Ocidental”) and a retail consumer, LP. The case concerned the refusal by Ocidental to make loan repayments following the permanent invalidity of LP. LP and her spouse entered into a loan agreement with Banco de Investimento Imobiliário SA (“the bank”) and by doing so, they became party to a group insurance contract (“the insurance contract”), agreed between the bank and Ocidental. LP was the insured person. The insurance contract was a payment protection insurance contract, under which Ocidental would be required to make the loan repayments in the event of LP’s permanent incapacity. The policyholder was the bank. The reason was the alleged nullity or inapplicability of the insurance contract between Ocidental and the bank to which LP became a party. Continue reading…