New investigations on core international crimes increase by 44% since 2016

13 June 2022
Knowledge Base

Investigations and prosecutions of the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (known collectively as core international crimes) have steadily risen within the European Union since 2016. A total of 1,547 new cases were opened in 2021, compared with 1,073 in 2016, which represents a 44% increase.  In 2021, 3,171 cases were ongoing across all Member States. This trend can be attributed, in part, to the escalation of conflicts and grave human rights violations near EU borders (most recently in Ukraine, Belarus and Syria), leading to an influx of refugees into Member States. The higher level of expertise now available among national authorities also explains the increase in investigations.

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Dina-Perla Portnaar

Dina-Perla Portnaar


US Slumbers in Electoral Integrity

10 June 2022

Just have a look at the Electoral Integrity Global Report 2019 – 2021. It is a fascinating read. Electoral integrity in the United States of America is ranked 15th of the 29 countries in the Americas and is the lowest-ranked liberal democracy. The main areas of weakness in the USA are the drawing of the electoral boundaries, the results process, campaign finance and voter registration. Drawing on the Electoral Integrity dataset release 8.0, the report reveals which countries have the strongest elections, as well the parts of the electoral process where there are problems. Continue reading…

Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia become members of joint investigation team on alleged core international crimes in Ukraine

09 June 2022
Knowledge Base

The judicial authorities of Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia will become members of the joint investigation team (JIT) on alleged core international crimes, which has been set up with the support of Eurojust. The Prosecutors General of the three EU Member States signed an agreement to join the JIT, together with their counterparts from Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine, during a coordination meeting hosted by Eurojust on May 30 and the following day. The JIT was set up on 25 March by Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine, and the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) became a participant last month. Continue reading…

Checklist for a good whistleblowing solution

08 June 2022
Knowledge Base

by Daniel Vaknine

Employees play a key role in an organisation’s well-being. As we all know, it is they who make the organisation work. If the employees in an organisation are dissatisfied or experience injustices in the workplace, it can have major negative effects, ranging from lack of motivation and lack of results to enormous negative media attention or lost partners. A critical component in the well-being of employees is the possibility of whistleblowing. Historically, there have often been situations where people are afraid of being singled out as whistleblowers, either for fear of retaliation, special treatment or getting rid of their jobs. Today, these are well-established facts amongst many within the risk and compliance industry. Continue reading…

Basel Committee meets on climate-related financial risks, cryptoassets and G-SIBs

07 June 2022

The Basel Committee met on 27 May and approved a finalised set of principles for the effective management and supervision of climate-related financial risks. It also progressed its work on specifying a prudential treatment of cryptoassets and issuing a second consultation paper, and agreed on a way forward to reflect developments in the European banking union (EBU) on the assessment methodology for global systemically important banks (G-SIBs). In addition, the Committee is continuing to assess risks to and vulnerabilities of the global banking system, including those ensuing from the conflict in Ukraine. Continue reading…

EU and South Partner countries discuss data protection challenges in collection of electronic evidence

06 June 2022

At a dedicated conference, criminal justice practitioners and experts from the South Partner Countries (SPCs) and the European Union Member States discussed how to help judicial and law enforcement authorities to apply data protection standards when gathering cross-border electronic evidence in criminal matters. The event was organised by the EuroMed Justice Programme (EMJ) in close coordination with the French Ministry of Justice and under the French Presidency to the EU Council. It took place in Lyon, France, between 31 May and 2 June. Continue reading…

ESG and Intergenerational Equity – Mind the Gap (Part III)

03 June 2022
Knowledge Base

by Lieve Lowet & Lorenz Van Roosbroeck

Having understood the social element of (un)sustainability, we tackle the second issue which advances the integrative understanding of the AAIEI over the disjointed logic present within ESG deliberations. In our March blog post, intergenerational equity was praised for its integrative element; it grasped environmental issues as a social issue. Instead, the dominant deliberative culture surrounding ESG tends to discuss environmental -and social issues in isolation of one another, which masks their interrelation. Here, the layered, relational aspect of sustainability is concealed, presenting it instead as an exercise in compliance. However, while it is practically important to respect the analytical distinction between society and nature, sustainability at large is only theoretically intelligible from the vantage point of their interrelation. Therefore, one has to open up the context of ESG, something which the AAIEI achieves. Continue reading…

Nicole Stolk: The journey towards a data-driven organisation

01 June 2022
Knowledge Base

In her speech at the Data Science Conference of the DNB Data Science Hub, Nicole Stolk addressed several preconditions for being a data-driven organisation. As one of the Executive Board Members of De Nederlandsche Bank, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Amsterdam and in particular to this conference. We have high hopes and feel this is an important and fruitful subject. Me being here goes beyond just delivering a few standard remarks. Becoming a data-driven organisation cannot be achieved overnight. It is a journey, and I have been traveling with you for quite some time. I am not a data scientist myself, but I do see the potential value of basing our policy decisions and supervision more firmly on data-driven analyses. But this value can only be realised if we are comfortable with using data science in our daily work. Part of this sense of comfort will come if we can change the way we work. This involves a marked culture change which could be the topic for the next conference.    Continue reading…

Egbert Krop ICOINIC Capital: “Crypto is here to stay”

31 May 2022
Knowledge Base

During the International Risk Congress in Brussels, presenter and moderator Dina-Perla Portnaar had the opportunity to talk with one of the speakers, the CFO of Icoinic Capital and former compliance manager at ING, Egbert Krop. The conversation centred on cryptocurrency and compliance.

Egbert Krop stated: “crypto is a community-driven industry. We are definitely in the bubble now, but remember that the cryptocurrency market is like the internet used to be in the beginning. There will be waves, but cryptocurrency is here to stay.”

Egbert Krop also talked about how transparent and self-regulating the world of cryptocurrency is, and about the fact that NFTs form an immature market. Yet, it is an interesting market indeed. Tip is to only invest in cryptocurrency with money that you can afford to lose.