

5 Climate Change Risks You’re Probably Not Talking About… (But Should Be)

16 May 2022

Support for environmental proposals has never been higher, and companies are feeling the pressure from stakeholders of all kinds: not only investors, but also customers and employees. The climate crisis can have a huge impact on your business – and while the longer-term implications may be obvious, there are a number of specific operational and business risks that your organization may not have considered. In their brand-new whitepaper, Diligent outlines five key climate change risks you could be in danger of overlooking – and highlights the benefits of addressing them proactively.

* Transition Risk – we’re all familiar with the business-adjacent physical risks that come with climate change. But organizations must also give serious consideration to transition risk: the legal, technology, market and reputation risks associated with climate transition planning.

*Scope 3 Emission Risk – the regulatory grip is tightening on Scope 3 emissions (defined as all indirect emissions that occur in the company value chain, including both upstream and downstream emissions). While reporting on Scope 3 emissions is not yet mandatory for most businesses, it will soon become a requirement.

*Talent Risk – the success – or failure – of an organization is dependent on the skills and expertise of those leading the way. As companies adjust to a low-carbon economy, they must anticipate the operational, reporting and leadership challenges ahead – and anticipate the skill sets they will need across all lines of business.

*Diversity Risk – diversity needs to be given serious thought from a climate standpoint. Failure to include marginalized voices will encourage a myopic approach to climate issues, which need to be considered from every angle.

*Profit Risk – organizations must identify ways to create value now through investments in businesses or in capabilities that will contribute to solving the climate crisis.

Your reaction to climate change now will define how your business fares in the future. Download this whitepaper on our platform for free to discover what the benefits are of addressing these climate change risks.

20th Anniversary of the International Association of Deposit Insurers

13 May 2022
Knowledge Base

The 6th of May 2022 marks the 20th Anniversary of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI).  On this date in 2002, IADI was incorporated in Basel, Switzerland, with a mission to share deposit insurance expertise with the world.  There is much to celebrate as we reflect on two decades of accomplishments in fulfilling IADI’s key objectives to: “…to contribute to the stability of financial systems by promoting international cooperation in the field of deposit insurance and to encourage wide international contact among deposit insurers and other interested parties”.  Continue reading…

FCA announces asset retention rules for British Steel advice firms

12 May 2022

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is using emergency powers to prevent financial advice firms, who advised members of the British Steel Pension Scheme (BSPS), from disposing of assets to avoid paying compensation. The FCA has introduced these emergency rules, without consultation, in light of the risk that some firms will take steps to get rid of their assets if the rules were consulted on first. The measures will apply from the 27 April 2022. The FCA previously announced proposals for a redress scheme for former BSPS members which the FCA estimates will deliver £71.2 million of redress to consumers who were wrongly advised to transfer their pension.  Continue reading…

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 outlines financial stability issues arising from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

11 May 2022
Knowledge Base

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has recently published a letter from its Chair, Klaas Knot, to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors ahead of their meeting. The letter discusses the current outlook for financial stability and sets out the FSB’s plans over the coming months to assess and address emerging vulnerabilities. The letter notes that the Russian invasion of Ukraine triggered large price fluctuations in global financial markets. Continue reading…

Can Cyber Breach Investigation Reports Be Protected Work Product?

10 May 2022
Knowledge Base

by Matthew Verga

As we have noted before, cyberattacks are a growing area of concern, both inside and outside of the legal industry, and “cyberattacks in 2020 were particularly crippling because of how much more legal professionals relied on email and internet-based access to maintain operations.” With so many breaches occurring and so many breach investigations being conducted, it is important to consider the discoverability of reports and other materials generated by those investigations. As two recent cases demonstrate, it can be difficult to satisfy the requirements for work product protection of such reports. Continue reading…

David Lewis about Combating Financial Economic Crime: “We are doing very badly”

09 May 2022
Knowledge Base

On Friday 29th April 2022, we had the opportunity to talk with David Lewis during the International Risk Congress at the headquarters of Euroclear in Brussels. David Lewis is Managing Director and Global Head of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) advisory Forensic Investigations and Intelligence practice at Kroll UK. David Lewis talked with presenter Dina-Perla Portnaar on how he leverages extensive global experience on a daily basis, helping governments, supervisors and regulated firms to combat money laundering effectively.

According to David Lewis, the biggest risks can be found in the financial capitals, New York and London. He also talked about the unprecedented sanctions against Russia and the problems of finding the assets related to shell companies. Recovering any valuables is very difficult, he said. He also encourages investigative journalism as a very valuable asset in combating Financial Economic Crime. Continue reading…

Exploring the monetary policy and financial stability implications of central bank digital currencies

06 May 2022
Knowledge Base

Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank, gave an opening speech at the IESE Business School Banking Initiative Conference on Technology and Finance, Frankfurt am Main on 8 April 2022. Thank you for inviting me to this conference. As it explores the interplay between technology and finance, I have chosen to focus my remarks on retail central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) – in other words, the possibility for everyone to use public money for digital payments. It’s hard to think of a better day to discuss the advances of research in this field. Today would have been the 118th birthday of the great economist Sir John Richard Hicks, who once said that “much of economic theory is pursued for no better reason than its intellectual attraction; it is a good game.” Continue reading…

Fraud scheme of at least EUR 440 million in Italy halted

04 May 2022

Italian and Austrian authorities have dismantled a massive fraud scheme set up by a criminal network that used Italian companies to simulate business leases and false tax credits. The perpetrators deprived the Italian authorities of at least EUR 440 million. With the help of Eurojust, approximately 90% of the proceeds have been recovered and 12 suspects have been arrested. Continue reading…

ECB Supervisory Priorities 2022-2024: What Operational Risk Professionals Should Focus on

03 May 2022
Knowledge Base

by Elena Pykhova

The three-year priorities published by the European Central Bank1 is a must-read document for risk practitioners. It outlines important areas of focus for the supervisors – and, equally, banks and their risk teams, who should be analysing and leading the organisational thinking by ensuring maximum awareness of the environment, comprehension of its impact and hence enhanced preparedness necessary to withstand the next crisis. In the post-pandemic environment, it is not surprising to see credit risk and market risk high on the regulatory agenda. As it relates to Operational risk, while it is explicitly mentioned only in relation to IT Outsourcing and Cyber resilience, it has in fact multiple touch points and direct correlation with other areas, whether linked to business model, governance or climate and environmental risk.  Continue reading…

ICC participates in joint investigation team supported by Eurojust on alleged core international crimes in Ukraine

02 May 2022
Knowledge Base

The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague will become a participant in the joint investigation team (JIT) on alleged core international crimes committed in Ukraine. The JIT, which was set up with Eurojust support on 25 March by Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine, aims to facilitate investigations and prosecutions in the concerned states as well as those that could be taken forward before the ICC.  Continue reading…