Managing Conflicts of Interest: A Fiduciary Imperative for Investment Advisers

16 December 2024
Knowledge Base

by Uzi Rosha

At the heart of the adviser-client relationship is the fiduciary standard, which obligates advisers to act in their clients’ best interests. It is fundamental to preserving trust and ensuring the integrity of the advisory relationship. This duty extends beyond mere disclosure and requires a proactive approach to managing conflicts. Conflicts of interest are pervasive in the advisory industry, particularly for private fund advisers. By identifying, disclosing, mitigating, and avoiding conflicts of interest, investment advisers can align their practices with regulators’ rigorous standards and protect the interests of their clients. However, it is not always the easiest responsibility to fulfil. Continue reading…

Out now: SIRIUS Electronic Evidence Situation Report 2024

13 December 2024
Knowledge Base

Eurojust, Europol and the European Judicial Network have published the 2024 edition of the SIRIUS European Union (EU) Electronic Evidence Situation Report. First presented at the SIRIUS Annual Conference to an audience of EU law enforcement and judicial authorities, policymakers, and representatives of service providers, the report reflects on the evolving legislative framework and the growing reliance on electronic data in criminal investigations, while highlighting the persistent barriers to effective cooperation in accessing electronic data across borders for investigation and prosecution of crimes.

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Transition risk losses alone unlikely to threaten EU financial stability, “Fit-For-55” climate stress test shows

12 December 2024

The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA – the ESAs) together with the European Central Bank (ECB), has recently released the results of the one-off “Fit-For-55” climate scenario analysis. Under the scenarios examined, transition risks alone are unlikely to threaten financial stability. However, when transition risks are combined with macroeconomic shocks, they can increase losses for financial institutions and may lead to disruptions. This calls for a coordinated policy approach to financing the green transition and the need for financial institutions to integrate climate risks into their risk management in a comprehensive and timely manner. Continue reading…

ECB publishes second progress report on the digital euro preparation phase

11 December 2024

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published its second progress report on the preparation phase of a digital euro, which was launched on 1 November 2023 and is laying the foundations for the potential issuance of a digital euro. Since the publication of the first progress report, the ECB has updated its digital euro scheme rulebook, aimed at harmonising digital euro payments across the euro area. Continue reading…

Boosting Europe’s Quantum Computing Infrastructure

10 December 2024

The Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) at Forschungszentrum Jülich received a 100-qubit quantum computer from Pasqal, a world leader in neutral atoms quantum computing technology, in mid-November. The new quantum computer is part of the EuroHPC JU project HPCQS and will be coupled with the JURECA DC supercomputer at JSC. This will enable European researchers to use hybrid classical-quantum resources to solve complex challenges. Continue reading…

Terminating trade-based financial crime

09 December 2024
Knowledge Base

by Hassan Zebdeh

Trade-based financial crime (TBFC) is one of the most insidious threats to global finance. This shadowy practice has been plaguing international trade for years, perhaps as long as modern trade itself has existed. It’s the biggest fraud most people never heard of, quietly siphoning away trillions under the radar of even the most vigilant regulators. Continue reading…

FCA finds crypto ownership continues to rise as it delivers plans to regulate crypto

06 December 2024

According to the FCA’s latest research on consumer attitudes and behaviours towards crypto, 12% of UK adults now own crypto, up from 10% in previous findings. Awareness of crypto also rose from 91% to 93%. The average value of crypto held by people increased from £1,595 to £1,842. Respondents told the FCA that information from family and friends was the most common source of information for those who had never bought crypto. Only 1 in 10 people say they did not do any research before buying crypto. Continue reading…

FSB publishes 2024 G-SIB list

05 December 2024

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has recently published the 2024 list of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) using end-2023 data and applying the assessment methodology designed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). The number of banks identified as G-SIBs remains at 29; there were no additions or removals from the list. However, compared with the list of G-SIBs published in 2023, Groupe Crédit Agricole has moved from bucket 1 to bucket 2 (corresponding to a higher capital requirement), while Bank of America has moved from bucket 3 to bucket 2 (corresponding to a lower capital requirement). 

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New Eurobarometer survey shows record high trust in the EU in recent years

04 December 2024
Knowledge Base

The latest Eurobarometer has recently released reveals the highest level of trust in the European Union since 2007 and the highest-ever support for the euro. The survey also shows that Europeans have a more optimistic view about the future. They would like to see a stronger and more independent EU, especially in the face of the current global challenges. Continue reading…

ECB announces changes to the Eurosystem collateral framework to foster greater harmonisation

03 December 2024

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) has on 29 November decided on measures that aim to enhance the harmonisation, flexibility and risk efficiency of the collateral framework. Since the global financial crisis, the Eurosystem has operated two collateral frameworks: the general framework, which is permanent, and a temporary one, which comprised crisis-related collateral easing measures. These adjustments contribute to returning to a harmonised single list of collateral available to all counterparties, irrespective of their location in the euro area. Continue reading…