Digital currencies and the soul of money

07 February 2022
Knowledge Base

Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, Goethe University’s Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) recently delivered a speech at the conference on “Data, Digitalisation, the New Finance and Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Future of Banking and Money” on 18 January 2022. It’s an honour to deliver this speech at Goethe University. Of course, I wish I could have been in Frankfurt in person. In a speech at this university four years ago, I addressed the growth and pitfalls of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Since then, the debate on the future of money has grown much broader, but it continues to touch on the very foundations of the monetary system. Continue reading…

John C. Williams: Reading the recovery

04 February 2022
Knowledge Base

Mr. John C Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, made some remarks via a videoconference at the Council on Foreign Relations on 14 January 2022. For past two years, I’ve begun my remarks by saying how much I wish we could meet together in person. This time, I really was hoping for a chance to rewrite the script. After seeing so much progress on vaccinations over the past year and a moderation in COVID-19 infections during the fall, just a short time ago many of us had expected that we’d soon be turning the page. Continue reading…

Syrian official sentenced to life for crimes against humanity

03 February 2022

The Higher Regional Court of Koblenz in Germany sentenced a former Syrian high-ranking official today to life imprisonment for his involvement in crimes against humanity. A German-French joint investigation team (JIT), which was set up with support of Eurojust and the Genocide Network, made a significant contribution to those investigations that led to this landmark judgment. The judgment is the first time worldwide that a high-ranking Syrian official has been convicted for crimes against humanity. As such, it will leave a lasting mark on international criminal justice. Continue reading…

KPMG says accounting regulator ‘was misled’ over Carillion audits

02 February 2022
Knowledge Base

KPMG has apologised for misconduct and misleading the UK’s accounting regulator after former auditors were accused of “forgery” related to audits including that of Carillion, the major government contractor that collapsed four years ago. Jon Holt, the chief executive of KPMG UK, said it was “clear” that misconduct had occurred, in a statement published to mark the start of a disciplinary tribunal on Monday. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has alleged that KPMG misled its investigators over routine inspections of the audits of Carillion and the software company Regenersis, in 2016 and 2014 respectively. The FRC has alleged that “relevant individuals acted with a lack of integrity in dishonestly or recklessly misleading the regulator”, according to tribunal documents. Continue reading…

FCA publishes Decision Notice against hedge fund for conflicts of interest failings

01 February 2022

The Financial Conduct Authority has published a Decision Notice against BlueCrest Capital Management (UK) LLP (BCMUK) setting out its decision to impose a financial penalty of £40,806,700 on the firm. BCMUK has elected to refer the case directly to the Upper Tribunal which will determine the appropriate action, if any, for the FCA to take. The FCA considers that, between 1 October 2011 and 31 December 2015, BCMUK failed to manage fairly a conflict of interest created by allocating portfolio managers working on an external fund, open to investors outside BlueCrest, to an internal fund, open only to its partners and employees.

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A Buyer’s Guide to ESG Data Management Software

31 January 2022

Are ESG initiatives meeting expectations, deadlines and commitments? Is data being consistently disclosed across stakeholders and frameworks? An ESG solution can help boards and executives keep their fingers on the pulse of activities and progress — and spot red flags before they escalate into issues. For these reasons and more, monitoring and reporting capabilities are core to an effective ESG solution. A dashboard, particularly a customizable one with real-time data, can give organizations visibility into KPIs, metrics and commitments. And automated monitoring can help ESG teams sift through mountains of information in a fraction of the time.

Preparing your organization for today’s ESG data challenges and beyond ? This whitepaper can be downloaded for free.

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BIS Board elects François Villeroy de Galhau as new Chair

28 January 2022

The Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) yesterday elected as its new Chair, François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor of the Bank of France. His term is for a period of three years, commencing on 12 January 2022. Mr. Villeroy de Galhau succeeds Jens Weidmann who served as Chair of the Board until the end of December 2021 when he concluded his tenure as President of the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Members of the Board of Directors expressed their sincere gratitude to Mr Weidmann for his excellent services to the Bank during his chairmanship.

The Board is responsible for determining the strategic and policy direction of the BIS, supervising its Management, and fulfilling the specific tasks given to it by the Bank’s Statutes.

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FCA launches discussion on improving the financial services compensation framework

27 January 2022
Knowledge Base

The FCA has recently published a Discussion Paper aimed at maintaining a compensation framework that provides appropriate protection for consumers, funded in a fair and sustainable way. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) provides compensation when certain authorised financial services firms are unable to meet claims against them. The FSCS plays a critical backstop role in protecting consumers and ensuring confidence in financial services markets. Continue reading…

BIS, SNB and SIX successfully test integration of wholesale CBDC settlement with commercial banks

25 January 2022
Knowledge Base

Integrating a wholesale central bank digital currency (CBDC) into existing core banking systems is complex and a key prerequisite for issuance. Phase II of Project Helvetia successfully demonstrates that such integration is operationally possible. Issuing a wholesale CBDC on a distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform operated and owned by a private sector company is feasible under Swiss law. The second phase of Project Helvetia is a joint experiment by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and SIX (Switzerland’s main provider of financial infrastructure services), which also included five commercial banks: Citi, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg and UBS. Continue reading…

Lieve Lowet

Lieve Lowet

EU Affairs consultant and lobbyist

The curious case of EIOPA’s Supervisory Handbook

24 January 2022
Knowledge Base

In October 2021, EIOPA finally published some elements of its 2018 Supervisory handbook first mentioned in 2012, a year after EIOPA’s foundation, now more than 10 years ago. Works started in 2013. The intent of the Supervisory Handbook, it said in 2016, is to establish common supervisory practices that promote convergence and optimal supervision outcomes while allowing for market specificities. EIOPA’s work on the Supervisory Handbook, it continued, is a means to fulfil Article 29 of its mandate to strive for a common supervisory culture.  It is my understanding that the inspiration for the Supervisory Handbook was birthed as a result of needs arising from the national supervisory authorities in the run up to the implementation of Solvency II. In 2013, EIOPA as a start brought together its Colleges Team to define the best supervisory practices to be included in the Supervisory Handbook. In 2020, the obligation to develop and maintain a ‘Union supervisory handbook’ became part of the different ESA Regulations (new Article 29,2) on which EIOPA was a precursor. Continue reading…