Certification of Credit Risk Management
CO.E.RI.KOSMOS SRL located in Turin, has been working in the field of Credit Risk Management for over 30 years.
Since 2016, CO.E.RI.KOSMOS is the scheme owner of the standard template CRMS FP 07: 2015. This is the first standard template for the Certification of the Commercial Credit Management System approved by “Accredia (MISE)” under the requirements of the European Application Document EA-1/22 – AB: 2015.
The organizational model proposed by the standard template CRMS FP 07: 2015 is inspired by ISO 9001: 2015 and has been designed and drafted to encourage the compatibility and integration with the latest credit risk management systems.
Within the objectives of the Certification Scheme we highlight:
– the reduction of losses on loans,
– the improvement of own cash flow,
– the development of the credit risk culture within the various company functions,
– a better rating and,
– last but not least a greater credibility towards all stakeholders.
The complete analysis in the White-paper by CO.E.RI. KOSMOS. The White-paper can be downloaded for free and will be provided in your email-box.