EU Whistleblowing Directive
The EU Whistleblowing Directive changes the way we need to think about and approach incident reporting. For compliance officers and risk managers, what was once a patchwork of random rules haphazardly applied at the country level, or within a company culture, is now more strictly defined. While these changes might be a challenge, it’s also an incredible opportunity for company growth.
At People Intouch, we believe that building a culture in which speaking up is actively supported is more than just ticking boxes to remain compliant. Instead, building a speak up culture is about creating and nurturing an environment where transparency is a guiding principle which leads to innovation, greater diversity of thought, and a healthier space for personal and organisational growth.
In this whitepaper, we highlight some of the major changes presented by the EU Whistleblowing Directive and how these challenges can be turned into opportunities for your organisation.