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New report on encryption in criminal matters stresses balance between security and privacy

21 June 2024
Knowledge Base

The EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security, of which Eurojust is one of the main partners, has on 10 June published its first report on the use of encrypted communications in criminal investigations. The report stresses the balance that needs to be struck between securing private communications and fundamental rights, while enabling investigations and prosecutions to combat organised crime and terrorism. Continue reading…

UK IT Leaders Doubt Government’s Cyberwarfare Defence Capabilities in Key Election Year

15 May 2024
Knowledge Base

New research from Armis, the asset intelligence cybersecurity company, shows over half (52%) of UK IT leaders believe the government can’t defend its citizens and enterprises against an act of cyberwarfare. This lack of faith in the government is higher than anywhere else surveyed in Europe, including Germany (40%) and France (42%). This is a significant change in sentiment compared to a year ago, when 77% of UK IT leaders had confidence in the UK government. Continue reading…

From likes to leaks: How to safeguard your business’s social media accounts

06 May 2024
Knowledge Base

by Simon Yeoman

Social media for business. Crucial asset or Trojan Horse for cybersecurity threats? For a growing business, it’s both. From increasing brand awareness and targeting advertisements to boosting website traffic and conversion, an online presence can reap significant rewards for a brand. However, below the surface, all is not as it seems. Weak passwords, overshared personal details and even simple usernames can expose businesses to data breaches and leaks. And the rise of sophisticated deepfakes further increases this risk, enabling impersonation attacks that can have devastating effects. Continue reading…

Nearly half of businesses may lack sufficient data backups

08 April 2024
Knowledge Base

Nearly half (48 per cent) of businesses may lack the necessary backup measures to prevent catastrophic data losses, according to new research from Fasthosts released ahead of World Backup Day on 31st March. In a digital era where data is the most valuable commodity on the planet, businesses must take note. This is further underlined by recent and high-profile data catastrophes such as Pixar’s Toy Story 2 nightmare, GitLab’s data deletion mishap and the unfortunate data loss in Ohio counties. These stark reminders highlight the perilous journey data can take without the safety net of robust backups. Continue reading…

AT&T Addresses Recent Data Set Released on the Dark Web

05 April 2024

AT&T* has determined that AT&T data-specific fields were contained in a data set released on the dark web approximately two weeks ago. While AT&T has made this determination, it is not yet known whether the data in those fields originated from AT&T or one of its vendors. With respect to the balance of the data set, which includes personal information such as social security numbers, the source of the data is still being assessed. Continue reading…

Instant Payments To Significantly Boost Finances of Young Adults in Europe

03 April 2024
Knowledge Base

A quarter of 15 to 29-year-olds in the EU are at risk of poverty or social exclusion1. Growth of instant payments could mean many more young adults will have savings by 2028. ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ: ACIW), a global leader in mission-critical, instant payments technology, has on 18 March revealed striking new data proving instant payments2 will boost the financial prospects of young adults in the EU. New research from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) commissioned by ACI Worldwide shows that for every 5% increase in the volume of instant payments, the number of 15 to 24-year-olds globally who saved money in the last year increased by 15.6% on average. Continue reading…

Photo: Burkhard Balz

Optimisation in the clearing system – pass me the toolbox

29 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Burkhard Balz

The Financial Stability Board recently ran a consultation on a draft report regarding “CCP financial resources in resolution”.[*1] It introduces a so-called “toolbox”. When you hear the word “toolbox”, you might imagine a craftsman with a heavy box full of different tools. For me, a scene from the film “Gran Torino”, directed by Clint Eastwood, comes to mind. A young man from the local neighbourhood is tasked with repairing damages to local homes to make up for past wrongdoing. However, he lacks both experience and suitable tools for the job. A grumpy neighbour, brilliantly portrayed by Clint Eastwood himself and with many years of expertise in repairs, hands him out three basic, but helpful, tools[*2] and advises him to acquire more and more tools over time. This scene reminds me of the beginning of our journey after the financial crisis in 2008. We, too, had repairs to make. Our strategy was, as outlined at the G20 Pittsburgh Summit in 2009, to go for a centralised clearing space in order to make our financial system safer and more resilient. Continue reading…

Safeguarding data in the hybrid era

26 March 2024
Knowledge Base

by Ian Jones

As hybrid work models become the new norm, businesses face a complex set of challenges, particularly regarding data compliance and security. Whilst managing remote teams has become more refined in recent years, there is something that threatens this way of working. That threat is unseen, unsafe and unsuspecting. It’s a digital danger that comes in the form of sensitive data loss, cyber-attacks and data breaches, each one looming ever larger in this evolving working model. The stakes are high. Continue reading…

Eurojust supports international operation against world’s largest ransomware group

27 February 2024
Knowledge Base

In a coordinated action supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities from 10 different countries have severely disrupted LockBit, the world’s most active ransomware operation. Two members of the ransomware team have been arrested in Poland and Ukraine. In addition, law enforcement has compromised LockBit’s primary platform and other enabling infrastructure. This includes the takedown of 34 servers in the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, France, Switzerland, Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom. Continue reading…

Cybersecurity Attack Attempts More Than Doubled, Increasing 104% in 2023

30 January 2024
Knowledge Base

Armis, the asset intelligence cybersecurity company, recently announced, The Anatomy of Cybersecurity: A Dissection of 2023’s Attack Landscape. The 2023 analysis of Armis’ proprietary data offers critical insight into the multifaceted challenges global organisations face when it comes to protecting the entire attack surface. Report findings serve as a blueprint to help security teams worldwide prioritise efforts to reduce cyber risk exposure in 2024. Continue reading…